The Horde according to our Lord and Saviour Grumbol Grimhammer

Those swine smoochin’ pigheads! And those lovable livered crawg kissers.

Sylvanas would auto tilt if she had to ever discuss diplomacy with him. :rofl:


LOL I am torn between totally hating his voice and loving it.

btw, I think he says lily livered crawg kissers.


He has so much rage and anger in his voice it makes Gen Greymane look like a well behaved friend of the Horde


I laugh everytime he speaks. He’s definitely an extremist. Those lily-livered crawg kissers! He puts me in the right mindset for the bombing run.

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Doesn’t matter what he calls them, we know he can SMELL 'EM from miles away!


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Grumbol is such a racist, but his insults have so much character and color it’s hard not to like him.

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Thinking about it, I’d love to listen to a conversation between Grumbol and Nathanos.

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He really is! It’s that combination of over the top rage that makes me laugh and cringe and root for him. He also appears over on Mechagon Island, from time to time, with a quest to kill Horde NPCs. Seeing as he’s the the original AV battlemaster, I kinda understand his hatred of the Horde. lol

The wee prince o’ this island “commands” we don’t fight the Horde swine here.

Ye think I e’er let a durned gnome tell me whatta do!?

Grumbol leans forward and whispers extremely loudly.

Ya wanna fight? We got a place outside o’ town where the rules aren’t so… strict.

Unless ya’d rather cuddle up with the stinkn’ Horde running around here instead Is that what you like,

Grumbol throws back his head and laughs.

Nah, yer a fighter. Just like me!

He’s opposite Usha Eyegouge. It would be amusing to see those two fight side by side and bicker the entire time.

I really really want that. I can totally see Nathanos getting really mad. :rofl:


I’m pretty sure all the plot armor from Blizzard cannot save Nathanos against the verbal attack of Grumbol

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