The Horde: A Different Type of Heroism

Is there any other definition to the the Noble Savage because I struggle to even remotely describe the orcs as the Noble Savage trope. If anything, their whole story is about corruption.

Or is somehow overcoming the demonic corruption and going back to their original civilization as Thrall tried to do is the racist bit? Because you know it falls into the:
" an “other” who has not been “corrupted” by civilization, and therefore symbolizes humanity’s innate goodness."

So does that mean in the story Thrall should have embraced the demonic influence to change his society? But wouldn’t that be racist towards his original tribal culture because its putting one civilization culture above another.

This is getting really complicated.

You argued with me for TEN POSTS about a word you admit you didn’t know the meaning of

Y’all dumb fr fr



Ding ding ding lol

Debatable, at least equally as racist lol


But Orcs don’t fall into that definition and that is not the definition of the Noble Savage.

Noble savage , in literature an idealized concept of uncivilized man, who symbolizes the innate goodness of one not exposed to the corrupting influences of civilization.

Where are you getting your definition of the Noble Savage trope?

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God I wish my brain were so smooth. Frictionless brain.

Grow up dude.


You keep throwing around these terms and outrage about Blizzard’s writing and not having the sensitivity of addressing it.

And when someone is trying to have a good faith discussion of trying to understand your concerns all you do is insult. Actually wouldn’t this whole thread be feeding into this racism of Noble Savage trope?

You got aesthetically what we consider savages.
They got heroism/virtues from their savage culture.

So… isn’t that by definition advocating for the Noble Savage trope which you say is racist?

Man, while I agree NOT all of WoW´s players care over those “things that matter” regarding the story (most probably don´t as a matter of fact), you are participating in a thread posted on the STORY forums. Which means that yes, most of us are “dumb” and care for the story.

This is a mmoRPG (even if most of us never actively RP for x or y reasons), so yes, you will have to take into account that stuff like the WoT or Sylvanas villain batting will invite at least SOME players to get emotionally invested.

Why is it always “at eleven”? Do you guys get the main News Report at 11 pm?

Uh. We get it at 7.00 pm in my country, funny enough. I guess we´re a bunch of early “going to bed” guys or something…

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7 would be prime-time, and you don’t want to put the news on then. So the news gets pushed back to after prime-time.

Hehehe, which perfectly portrays the idiosyncrasy of my country: News ARE for prime-time, and AFTER the news the popular shows get their shot.

Why am I NOT surprised… you guys AT LEAST don´t preventively make anxious your viewers, but we have been doing so for as long as I remember (and that´s almost 40 years and counting… God I´m so old to be playing WoW by my country´s standards)

Only person here having a good faith discussion is Kyalin actually

Y’all two are notoriously facetious trolls


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Oh brother. Yeah whatever you say.

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We’ve effectively replicated that functionality with Facebook and Twitter. :+1:

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Your resilience is admirable, I literally put the gnome on ignore forevermore and moved on from his usual tactics cause it IS a waste of time to try to engage him (he and I will NEVER see eye to eye; ergo better to ignore and move on).

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Yeah, it’s actually where I got the mask my character is currently wearing. If I remember right, the mouseover text for the mask is “For this to work, you must think nothing but savage troll thoughts.”

Not something that aged well.

I mean, it sounds really applicable to night elves as well. Their whole backstory was about them rejecting their corrupt and decadent civilization to go live in the trees in a nature utopia as a reward.

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Oh he’s blocked, both, I simply chose to entertain them while I cooked dinner

But now my potato gnocchi, collard greens and curried chicken is cooked so back to your regularly scheduled programming

But Night Elves weren’t primitive even after the abandoning Magic.
Why is their depiction racist? It just doesn’t make sense to me.

You know… that’s fine by me, I know what is in my own heart and when I am being sincere. If you choose to spurn that then thats on you. Enjoy dinner.

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You made me hungry, damn it Baal :wolf:

Been on a gnocchi binge lately, they’re truly God tier pasta.

Some don’t like them, and those people are wrong


There is ALWAYS a place to create a new cesspool, isn´t it?

We humans just LOVE to make ourselves miserable… frankly a miracle how we haven´t managed to destroy ourselves until now.

Well Sarm, the blatantly racist remark should had been taken with a more serious approach in retrospective, and not with the comical one the devs sold it to us.

Did you have to explicitly put on the menu?

Not only you… to add insult to injury it´s nightime for me AND it has been a VERY cold rainy day, so no chance for me to go to the store to buy ingredients to make gnocchi nor much less curried chicken :sob: :sob: :cry:


Aww, poor thing. Gnocchi is soo good, like mouth watering good.

Never had curry chicken though. What’s that like?