The honour system made this game unplayable for levelers

You can’t go anywhere in the entire game without being camped by the horde cockroaches for honour points so leveling is completely impossible in higher level zones unless you only spam dungeons.

The only way this can stop is if they added BG but that’s not for a few phases or so… pls fix


This phase exists by design. Its done on purpose, it’s not something that you “fix”. The higher population servers definitely have unique problems due to the high population but adding BGs won’t fix this problem like you think it would.

Horde would wait extra time to enter a BG due to a long queue, they’ll wpvp in the meantime. They will lose their game in like 2 seconds and go back to wpvp with extra bloodrage in their eyes.


They should just add BG’s i’m not finding it too bad but obviously alot of people are due to faction imbalance.

Dude. It’s bad on the horde side too. I agree the game sucks anos right now, but it’s not only bad on Alliance.


you can still pve, as alliance most people can’t even fly or take a boat.


What server are you on? Cause on Sulfuras the alliance is regularly raid-ganking Everlook, gadjetzan, mojache, etc.

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Just cancelled my sub. I’m 57 on my main, 28 on my alt. I can’t get anywhere to do anything on my main, I shoulda been able to grind 60 this weekend, but every flight point, every instance I go to is camped by dozens of harde (rattle-gore server).

There is literally no point in trying to play.

I love pvp and w-pvp, but without BGs and with the huge populations on these servers and with the imbalance, it’s pointless.


I’m okay with that. Classic wasn’t meant for everybody. We knew this coming into it. Some didn’t, but there’s only so much you can tell people in a culture where literally everybody refuses to listen.

Thankfully, theres another version of WoW that won’t let you accidentally roll on a PvP server. Don’t wanna level? Great! You even get a free max-level character. It’s a real dream. See you there!


You’re one of those Horde spamming, “gO to rEtaiL” when you 3v1 us aren’t you?


Assuming I am, am I wrong? This was a part of WoW classic and some of us didn’t agree to that level of hostility, which is why we rolled on a PvE server.

You rolled not only on a PvP server, but in classic. You obviously didn’t know what you were getting into and maybe you should backpedal a couple of steps into a different dimension completely.

You can solo Rag there.


No. Just…sad.

I don’t actually recall ever really having an issue with being outnumbered 3 or 4 to 1 in literally every zone… forever.

Maybe level an Alliance on one of the many Horde dominated servers? It’s not vanilla-accurate in the slightest.


How many days have you been experiencing this problem? Do you have to resort to hyperbole to make a point?

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Since before Thursday actually.


People who constantly spam go back to retail remind me of the little kid who closes his eyes and covers his ears while screaming, “La la la la la I can’t hear you.”


“I love pvp and w-pvp but I’m quitting because of w-pvp”

k bye

  1. You didn’t make threads then?
  2. Significantly smaller than forever, no?
  3. Do you think that’s going to calm down some after battlegrounds are implemented?
  4. PvP happn’t on a PvP server? Why are you even there if you don’t like the rules?

You see… they made warmode and removed PvP servers because people were complaining about unfair PvP. Sounds like classic may not have been your game, yet you still refuse to see it. Don’t make it our problem.

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This is how it started back then too eh!
The thing is, Blizz has never been good at fixing anything PvP
But here we are again, Blizz, balance servers, balance gear, balance classes, balance spec, fix this and fix that and that and that, that, that…and we ended up with retail.
So we begged for classic, so for what that we could do it all over again?! O,o
Blizz please dont listen to the tourist retail players this time.


I’m horde and even the lack of layering is making questing get really backed up. Can’t imagine trying to level as ally.

Vanilla levelers got 2 more months to hit max level before the honor system was added.

Classic: 80 days later
Vanilla: 136 days later