The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

this is a repost of mine explaining why some races are not viable.


i went over this issue before : unusual body shape races were off the table for core or allied races in the past because of the armor issue. every time an unique core race was added (belfs and draenei, worgen and goblin, pandas), all the gear from level 1 to max level (whatever that happened to be at the time), had to be redesigned to fit that race - every single piece of armor in the game. imagine the size of such an undertaking.

it’s borderline insane to expect a game populated with thousands of unique gear pieces, to redo it all every time a race is added. thus was born the allied races, who were simply copy and pastes of existing races with only cosmetic changes, but otherwise the same gear that fits their copy source, fits them too. the only example that seems to differ are the kul’tirans and i think they were tinkered a bit to accept panda gear, so at least the task wasnt as monumental.

this is why i suggested new playable races with unusual body types, like ethereals, naga, dryads, centaurs, keepers of the grove, hozen, sethrak, lich, banshees, etc, be shapeshift forms, embedded into the various classes just like druids have, with preset armor. of course it wouldn’t be moggable, though it might be customizable in small ways. that’s the only way i could see it being feasible.


It’s not that kind of subrace. He should probably rename the idea because it can admittedly be confusing.

People think he’s saying subrace like lightforged draenei to draenei

He’s saying subrace in regards to the system and requirements in place, not the bag of physically available races

Blizzard has already shown time and again that they clearly don’t care about how popular an allied race will be and they’ll just throw them in there.

Murgo? More like icebergo hahahahaha


theoretically, it would be much easier for blizz to add new races that are unique from current playable races IF they didnt wear any of the gear already in the game. they would have to have completely new and exclusive gear sets that covered from level 1 to max if a core race, or 20 to max if an allied race. that’s a huge undertaking as well but at least it could be massaged to make it more timely. for example:

the new race with exclusive sets for the lifetime of their race, would have to accept that new sets would only be available thru race exclusive quest chains and isolated to maybe 10 level increments. they wouldnt be able to sport various tier gear pieces from raids, unless they were redesigned for them exclusively.

i dunno. still seems like alot more work than normal allied races but certainly easier than a totally new and unique core race.

I think I would hate this.

yeah they’d stick out like sore thumbs, which would be true for any unique body type races anyway. and imagine how sparse their moggable gear options would be at the transmogifier. of course, that’s better than the shapeshift options, which wouldnt be moggable at all, as it would defeat the purpose of presets.

I get that. Didn’t blizzard have some kind of method that allowed armor to just sort of automatically fit over the races already though? Thought I read about it somewhere and it started with the word ‘Geo—’ or something. Otherwise I can totally see them being better off just adjusting the skeletons of already existing races (like with nightborn).

I love having the Unicorn as the High Elf symbol/banner. It’s already been shown as the mount they use in-game, at least from the Silver Covenant. It’s a fitting symbol for how I picture the High Elves.


oh? that sounds interesting. like the stretched robes on kul’tirans and pandas. it looks bad but it fits.

people fussed and begged and pleaded to have these guys be playable but blizz said, no can do, body shape causes armor problems (paraphrased)

runs along the same issue with unique thalassian models used for sylvannas, ysera, alleria and alexstraza, who have chunkier thighs than normal thalassians. apparently they dont wear removable gear. their gear is painted on to the model as a permanent fixture. i think they did the same with ethereals. they had a few different models with preset gear that wasn’t interchangeable. solves many problems with the potential of creating new problems in the future, such as having to completely repaint the model when you want the armor to change.

Exactly - the energies of the Sunwell coursed through the bow before the restoration of the Sunwell. It was created before, not after it.

And again, which makes it all strange, as the bow seems to be created in a time where the unicorn was apparently the official symbol.

This might be another possibility. But why would they replace the blood drop?

I was saying that it was modified from before to include the pheonix insignia later. Under the assumption that Guzzle is right that their old symbol was the unicorn. In that case the blood drop was not modded in. Not out. :stuck_out_tongue:

doesn’t matter really in the end point was that weapons even in real life were modified sometimes like this.

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True! The Lohn’goron bow, a “family heirloom that has been handed down from Torn-heart to Torn-heart for generations”, implying the phoenix was a symbol already used in the past. And this comes from TBC, an era where lore was still kind of important.

The thing is - they didn’t. They went ahead and actually made the pheonix crest look different on Thori’dal.

That does seem very plausible. Now we have to solve the Lohn’goron mystery hehe I don’t think anyone would want to modify a “family heirloom”.

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I think most of the examples I’ve read of in real life actually were family heirlooms. Modified for special occasions and events. Lol

Really? Mmm. I would never have thought that.

In this particular case, however, the Torn-heart are orcs, not elves - why would they want to update a family heirloom with the Blood Elf crest?

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That I have nothing for. Lol

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I mean, it could just be a standard Thalassian heraldic device or similar. I mean if they rebranded their nation with it as a symbol of rebirth, that implies that it was already a symbol in the culture so might just have been used in that fashion before hand?


gearing issues no longer matter for allied races. See mechagnomes.