The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Because it would be better if you just accepted the fact that the majority of the high elves are already playable.

Also, you should know by now that trying to guilt trip by pinning malice to my intentions me won’t work.

It is lore bending when we have lore that says that they are the same already. You want a retcon to that
 that indeed is lore bending.

I’ve come to sympathize with the anti’s notion that they’re too similar, although I’m definitely still pro High Elf in that I’d totally race change all of my characters into them if they became playable

My issue is the lack of intellectual honesty when trying to dismiss High Elves, because as I said, almost every argument against them can be applied to Void Elves. The proper anti argument at this point is that we already got High Elves, except they’re called Void Elves now. We on the pro side constantly argued for ways in which High Elves could be physically different, Void Elves arguably achieve just that

Yes and no. They’re on offshoot of Blood Elves, but not in the same way that Dark Iron’s are an offshoot of Bronzebeard dwarves. In that case they’re at least a different tribe. The problem with High Elves is that they’re literally Blood Elves, the same people from the same kingdom that speak the same language and share the exact same culture

Thing is, so are Void Elves. Blood Elf culture is Void Elf culture. Void Elves are also a simple retelling of the original TBC Blood Elf story line, subverting powerful magic through questionable methods in order to protect their kingdom and people, only it’s void this time instead of holy light. The same fantasy was already available on the Horde, just play a Blood Elf shadow priest

I have to guess that the craptastic addition that is Void Elves came about due to a rushed development cycle and lack of careful thinking and planning. If they’re meant to be the High Elf compromise, it was done in perhaps the worst and laziest way possible


Blood elves are not high elves. Saying otherwise is the real lore-bending.

That’s not what lore says.

Not even Ion had the nerve to say that.

I don’t care if you feel guilt or whatever. I’m asking why you are all so bent into it. It’s very clear you have nothing better to do here than play opposition for its own sake. All logical arguments ended very long ago, it’s now just a clear campaign to stop us.


Look at what “kind of” means.


Look up what “pretty much” means.

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It means “nearly”, “almost”. Google it, come on!

They are not the same, just similar. Which is why changing their appearance solves the issue completely.

A range of change like was done to nightborne would be enough.

If we can have two night-themed elf races, we can have two bright-themed elf races as well.


Ion’s argument is that while there are differences, they’re still too similar. The Pro’s counter point is that while they’re physically pretty much the same, faction allegiance is a huge defining difference, one in which wars are fought over

So lore-wise I’d say High Elves make sense, it’s from a gameplay perspective that they’re just not different enough


The very first topic I made that sparked this whole discussion back in 2017 was about how high elves could be changed if the problem is just their appearance.

That two years later antis still fail to address it shows how discussion with them is futile.


Half Elves still seem to be the most palatable choice, as even the most adamant of anti’s concede in that they’d be the least offensive form of playable High Elves

It’d still have to contend with the “No more elves” crowd, but I think the High Elf request is popular enough to overcome that


But you’re talking about them as if they have any more voice then we do, if Blizzard one day decides to add HEs, and Sen’layn for example and then Half Elves as customization, the crowds and cliques on the forums being contrarian don’t matter, they have a right to state their opinion as we do but they aren’t some obstacle in our way only Blizzard is.

Those same people will have to just deal with it in the situation Blizzard reverses course and then starts giving off hand sarcastic remarks to support their decision.

I think people as customers can ask and should ask for anything they want, I don’t see customers being contrarian to any said point as a real obstacle though, only Blizzard.


Except in the parts where the lore says that High elves decided to honor their fallen by adopting the name Blood elves. Honoring their fallen with a name doesn’t change what they are.

Except in the part where there’s mention that they do indeed look the same and even the opportunities where they behaved in similar ways.

It’s ok, I won’t, even if you tried to.

Again with the “You can’t be here” spiel when you don’t own the place?

I love high elves, that’s why I want to keep their uniqueness as one of the Horde’s emblematic races, that’s my way to show my love for them.

No, you refusing to see the argument doesn’t mean the “logical arguments ended” it just means you just don’t want to see them even if they do exist.

Do whatever you want, ask for whatever race you like, Vrykul, jinyu, half elves
 unicorns, knock yourself out.

Don’t ask for a race that is already in the Horde, it’s that simple.

In the same speech they declared themselves no longer high elves

Except that lore says in no uncertain words blood elves do not consider themselves high elves and do nor behave like high elves.

Come on! You directly ignore lore from official sources, including books and the encyclopedia, and I’m lore-bending?

Discussion here is pointless. Yesterday, antis banded together to defend someone making baseless claims and refusing to point any real source, today you are directly contradicting Blizzard’s writing.


I just don’t get it man. The thing is, both sides does argue from a lore point, but the lore is more of contradicting itself all the time to the point, who knows which is the correct term and which is the incorrect term.

Now, Half Elves does seem like a really good compromise, but ugh

I dunno, I think Blizzard should’ve used the High Elves that were already within the Alliance to become Void Elves instead of a group of blood elves followed by Magister Umbric.


I think everyone agrees with that.


Which will forever in my mind cast doubt that the Blizzard devs are 100% on board with no HEs or they would have just made them all VE’s, which means things can always swing the other way.


But Blizzard doesn’t seem to follow there own story so well, hense forth, everything keeps changing.

It is as if the lore just keeps getting made up on the spot, to the point not much of it makes any sense.


Still using outdated lore I see.

Kael’thas didn’t give them the name as per Chronicles Vol. 3, they adopted it themselves, there was no speech.

And even if there was, again, honoring their fallen doesn’t make them different, I’m not suddenly a different person if I suddenly feel like honoring my dead grandma.

The sources that have not been retconned and you refuse to akcknoledge do, but as mentioned, those are incovenient to take into account, aren’t they?

How about those quests that show them doing reckless things for magic much like a blood elf would? Also incovenient?

You are blatantly ignoring the encyclopedia when it’s specifically said they are the same right there.

I just checked the thread today and I’m too lazy to scroll down through 5 days of responses, I don’t even know what happened yesterday, but you complaining about people ignoring Blizzard’s writing it’s pretty rich.

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No, I don’t think Blizzard cares as much about the minutia of the lore as people who do things like argue about elves for 15 years.

Very few fantasy publishers do.

We are filthy, disgusting nerds.