The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Which is weird to me because the HEs never mentioned in their entirety of being on the EK anything about coming from a different continent. And in Warcraft 3 everyone seemed genuinely shocked there was Kalimdor. Then Kael had a “oh wow NEs? Weird. Hey guys” reaction, so the feud seems forced.

And I agree the VE stuff just feels hollow to me, if anything BE society as a whole wouldnt notice them? They are a small group of scholars turned elite squad who been away from Silvermoon for awhile even before becoming VEs so idk that feud seems hollow to me / lackluster.

But the HE VS BE feud would be something I can see being very interesting and add to faction rivalry, I think the NEs would judge both HEs and VEs on Alliance though lol, but I can see BEs being doubly offended at VEs and
HEs linking up.


I wouldn’t say they don’t know or love the lore. Christie Golden clearly has a deep love for Anduin, Jaina and making the Alliance faultless. It’s just really lame to read.


Considering they are enforcing pathfinder, they have an opportunity to make people see the story.
I don’t like forcing people though. Good way to piss em off.


bring up something to address.

Very vanilla.

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I do, actually, because the parts of the story that actually just tell a story are good and enjoyable. You can so clearly see the forced plot points the developers need and that the writers have to struggle to make sense of them. This isn’t about lack of writing talent, but the writers being made to write around pre-decided plot points by the developers.

For me, that’s obvious.


I mean it’s hard to see Pathfinder as something else than forcing time played. They can’t give you the convenience right away cause then you play less -cause they could totally just have Pathfinder unlock at max level if it was about the story- and then have to make you grind for it to, still keep you playing more time.


This works really well imo.
I’d go the next step and show them gaining interest in becoming void elves over a few expansions and have it come to a head eventually where Vereesa goes through the training to be like Alleria. Eventually high elves would be void elves.

I’ll be honest I just want to do it because a couple of years ago me and a couple of mates played hots where I mained Zul’jin just so I could parrot his phrases in Zandali.


Main reason I never rolled a troll is I just didn’t like their customization options. The haste buff they get is really nice for dealing with unholy DK’s passive play.

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Jhu want axe?

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Still bummed they never copy paste a part for a rebuilt exeter.

Blizzard needs a better city designer.

Sky Venice.

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I mean I don’t think the Thalassians were like that forthcoming about their roots lol. Kael seemed pretty chill when he saw NE’s so I think that might me the normal reaction “oh weird our hick cousins!” but its evident that for someone like Lorash the whole exile left deeper scars. So maybe you got Thalassians from both camps on that.

Specially since it was introduced in such a rushed way “oh these guys were exiled off-screen for doing void stuff which is bad for us okay” and that was it. Not much build up AT ALL.

Oh yeah, it’s like when your siblings join forces to gank on you.

But for real, it would be something that would certainly irk BE’s a lot, to have the people that they lost/exiled get together trying to fight them. For a people so bent on unity to the point of cutting out dangerous elements, it would feel like a very “Oh SH**T moment”

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I agree, Jaina’s story in Kul Tiras was enjoyable.

The secret Stormsong cult story was also nice.

The terrible forced faction conflict and blowing Nazjatar and Black Empire seem like crappy ways to build hype and get people paying again for a few months. Those stories I would consider bad.


Not bad for a hunter either.

(Fezzy’s horde main
 And incidentally his first ever character).


Exactly, because those parts were developer mandated. “okay so this patch is Nazjatar and the next the Black Empire. Also they have to be self contained, and the last patch ends with N’zoth’s death. Thank uuuuu”


I believe that is part of the issue with the current design. In previous expansions the story lead from one to the next. Now, they are self contained with snippets leading to them. It results in a very forced story.
For example, in Wrath, you get a whole story that leads to C’thun being responsible for a huge number of events including those that occurred pre-WoW.

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That’ll be $90 in game time, thank you.

See you in Shadowlands where we’ll be BRINGING BACK ALL THESE MAJOR LORE CHARACTERS, isn’t that hype? Pay us.

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Honestly at this point I’d rather have the exodar be dismantled for parts and that they just rebuilt -or better, finish- “Karabor” on Azuremist isle. Don’t let that go to waste!

But Dalaran is already kinda like that, and Tempest keep also could, so another one? Eh.


Damnit I do want axe back. Hunters can’t use their dual wield anymore. Their only melee spec requires two handers. Used to be able to be close combat with my worgs swinging dual axes. Grah!

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Honestly, sometimes it feels the writer’s job is just trying to make sense of a bunch of post-its they get handed down from the developers.

“Bring like everyone cool back! Uther, Draka, Kael’thas! Make that work! make sense you know? Byee”