He is a Demon Hunter. Demon Hunters are the meaning of edging.
i want a dryad mount now
Makes me excited about the zones of Shadowlands tbh.
Cheating is bad…your faith…is…disturbing me.
True, but lines in which she acknowledges Rhonin and her children being the things that kept her in place show greater empathy. She can revile what they become while understanding what made them into what they are.
I would disagree. Her view in WotLK seemingly come out of nowhere as she holds incredibly harsh views towards the BE. Sure, in night of the dragon she did have that line, but she also had understanding of their choices and also seemingly knew that the Horde was under new management and had since moved along a seemingly more honorable path.
Eh, see personally, I don’t think that it’s missing. I like variety and there’s a lot of options for more straight up high fantasy out there, I like letting wow keep to the path they’ve chosen that mixes genres a little and twists a lot of the generic standards of fantasy to be their own. I’ll take wow for the story they’re telling and go to a game that does straight fantasy if I want to scratch that itch.
i meant using an original gnome but with mecha hairstyles in original gnome hair colors. i like the idea of giving them a way to put on and take off the wings, why would ya wanna do that. they’re fae. haha. they aren’t gnomes. they’re fae based on gnomes. gnomes were originally fae, like garden gnomes. lol
Hey, if you wanna turn Thunder Bluff into a McDonald’s, go for it. I am happy with Void Cookies.
I feel compelled to make some kind of comment about how lucky it is that Joyeuse isn’t around…
oh where is she?
Yeah but again for me it came across more as “I could have also ended as a crack lady if it weren’t for my children and Rhonin!” Which I think it tracks more with how she gets offended at getting mistaken for a BE.
IMO “They can do as they want outside but coming to my house? NOPE” seems pretty understandable man.
Nop, if I don’t acknowledge it won’t be real!
you gotta admit, looking over and seeing a gnome with faery wings sitting on a mushroom would be flippin adorable. it would rival vulpera. the alliance could use some adorable right about now
I’m more on the DIY side, if I want to RP (although I haven’t done that in ages since everyone left) I’ll make up what I need to with gear or a profile description. Just thinking it might be more likely to see pieces of gear that look like wings than to see it added as a gnome AR or such
No idea, I was just following up the somewhat dirty comment Talen made with one of my own that I am pretty will earn me a forum vacation if I try to explain it here
I was thinking more along the lines of “If I lost everything I would be just as torn too.” rather than “ID BE A CRACK ADDICT TOO!”
Sort of how you feel for those who lose everything and find a new way, albeit harsh, way of surviving.
From what I recall, it was related to the Horde specifically which was kinda…eh?
Anyway im up too late im going to bed
I want Sen’layn and then those cute gnomes, but looks like BE’s are getting the skin type via customization perhaps if others are to be belied on it
We can’t have that. Otherwise, who will be the one to cook everyone meat when we all get hungry?
Think of the vegans please Sara :o and in my case pescatarians!
She could join our clubhouse.
Now you are just projecting man. You forget that I like Blood Elves. I think that’s Vereesa’s position because she gets offended at being mistaken for a Blood Elf.
That’s why I think it’s pity from her part, a "Thank god that’s not me"
I mean it kinda shows she actually really dislikes they give the Horde foot in dalaran, no?
And i gotta reply now cause otherwise I’ll just forget lol. you can answer tomorrow.