The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I wasn’t even talking about his faction tagging; I was referring to how he gets into a spat with Lor’themar defending the wielder of Quel’delar is alliance.

Well she also really, really hates orcs and is livid that Sylvanas leads them “after what they did to our people”

In Alleria’s eyes, the BE’s joining the horde is a mistake, one she still hopes they will rectify as she visits Lor’themar to try to convince them to do so.

To be honest I always thought it could go either way. But I find entirely believable that she remains alliance and resents that her people joined the ones that hurt them, and she crossed worlds to destroy.

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Do I get that message if I said “lets not use any personal attacks”?

dekkar’s a dyed in the wool hordie and hard core retail player. i convinced her to play classic for a bit on alliance, and it drove her bonkers. she really felt like a fish outta water, was always talking about her preference for retail and her orc warlock.

Others started mocking my praise of people as attacks on them, I’m not going to sit and care or police how you take my words when I can’t even praise people without being mocked for it.

when i first met you, you were replying to me about a workplace incident that happened to you. i thought you were messing with me because it had nothing to do with the topic

This was around the time of your, was it dragon elves based on a shipwreck on a desert island, and your extreme sexually dimorphic ogres, and lots and lots of dnd stuff. You had a lot of ideas for other paths to more elves that were a lot different than the usual take. It was interesting to watch and I dunno, you kinda feel like someone you’d think of as a weird but cool aunt who isn’t actually related to you.

She could be quite nice company, I just feel a little burnt by her as a couple times she took bits out of conversations on the discord and brought them in here as a way to get the pro side angry at us.

hmm dont recall the incident so cant verify what my thought pattern was at the time. did it bug you? didnt mean to bother people. just a fan of elves. lol

ah k. thanks. haha. i’ll accept that.

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Eccentric means unconventional and strange. It was waaaaaay back when Classic first came out and you had some interesting views on high elves. So we named a channel after you since you were so active at the time.

Do you know what that means? I can explain it to you.

Lann, do you want me to explain things for you?

My error then, I am unsure about it. Lor’themar is not popular not even amongst his people given his reluctance in how he handles his position. So I was never sure if it was simply Auric just not liking him or not.

I wonder though, because would she say the same thing if she witnessed Arthas kill her people and see the orcs come to aid the blood elves? People’s perspectives do change if they experience their views being shown as wrong.

I think we have entered
 ** puts glasses on ** Hyperspace.


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it was about being female in the work place. it just felt random, but now i find it amusing if not charming

I think he does so he can pretend you’re attacking him.

haha sorry. i’m done asking. lol let’s re-enter high elf space.

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The nastiness and singling out of people is not needed.

I mean, yeah! I do believe it comes down to basically her remaining family being all alliance aligned, and this, the inability to experience things from a BE perspective.

I do mean it it could have gone either way, but Vereesa met her first and gave her PoV on the facts, after that, it’s really hard Alleria would have disagreed with her sister.

Can I pretend I’m attacking you ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°

You’re right, you should stop.

That depends, did you bring the whip? :wink:

That is what happened before though. I offered you help and you exploded on me about it.

I find it so odd the way Vereesa explained it to her given that she said she could understand why the blood elves chose the Horde. The way her character acts though, is so inconsistent.

I will edgelord you so edgily you’ll be edged out.

A bunch of different people probably write her.