The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Hang on

There are demonstrably invalid arguments, and have been throughout history:

The sun revolves around the earth - this argument became invalid the instant it was proved otherwise.

The earth is flat - see above

Vaccines cause autism - was never a valid argument and Andrew Wakefield should burn in the deepest pit of Hell for it

The earth is only 6,000 years old - do I need to go on?


I mean you did assume maliciousness from my part when it was good 'ol fashioned dunceness.

I mean, that is what you want.
Hint: Words have more than one meaning.

Didnt notice this earlier until Cassima brought it up so thanks Cassima.

and what is this post but another ad hominem with an emotional base which has no contribution whatsoever to the topic. if you can do nothing but make accusations and you are incapable of refuting my arguments with lore, then it all it does is reflect on how poor the argument for alliance high elves is

hyper why are you against reunification now that the faction war is going on the back burner? folding the SC back into the farstriders is the most likely way they will ever be playable lore wise

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You do have a habit of getting rather passive aggressive when annoyed. Just as I get sarcastic.

Well I’ve never hit reply to someone, then quote someone else entirely never addressing the person I replied to before so thats how it came off. You explained yourself after. Its a non issue regardless so.

Nah man, I am passive aggressive. Or shady, as others call me. I try to be fair, but I’m not like, nice.

Fyre, I had been advised to not call attention to you and I think that’s for the best.

All I can say as we close this venue of communication is that I consider your arguments to be bad faith, badly constructed, full of assumptions and headcanons.

I have refuted them time and time again but you stop replying and then come back with the same arguments once again.

“There are 4 high elves left” you continue to bring up as a valid argument, and I simply cannot respect someone that brings up such
 arguments. That’s just how I feel.

I’m sure you are a lovely person in real life, I have seen you been kind on here and that’s good. But I am absolutely tired of your arguments which no matter how many, many times I address them, yet you accuse me of “being incapable of refuting your arguments with lore” when I simply gave up on having a conversation with you.

For better or worse that’s it, of all the people on this forum, you are the only one that has made gave up from the joy of debate. And if it is all the same to you, with all the due respect, we should avoid addressing each other, unless you feel something is left unsaid you need to clear out before.


Really, Bro? Want me to mention your group’s obsession with Hyper?


One of the sweetest people I’ve talked to on the forums hands down by the way*

Go for it. Ill even fire her a discord invite. I think its pretty messed up if you sit in didcord thinking you can use that as blackmail of some sort

As someone in the HE discord there’s nothing there mocking any individuals by name so if thats what you use your discord for and then group up on the forums to continue it, thats pretty messed up


Omg really? I think tarrok is the sweetest ever!

Dude, just saying, the constant praise is as obnoxious is valarians 100% support posts

Those aren’t invalid arguments. Those are just false claims.

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Ill give you sn invite too bud.
I dont believe in hearsay. If you are curious you are welcome to be invited just as leinadh has been

An invalid argument is an argument that lacks validity, or proof, or uses shaky rvidence that does not withstand scrutiny

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Right. So there being High Elves on the Alliance side is an invalid argument.


Thank you for the need of including me in your reasoning. Even if the thread does say Show your support.


when you look at their actually numbers in the alliance, pretty much

Weren’t we just talking about manners? Come on.


Numbers doesn’t claim that the High Elves on the Alliance is a false argument.

What is next, you’re going to say that all these SC members are neutral?