The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

These things?


And now dingoes watch over blood elf babies while they drink from their fel bottles.

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I was gonna disagree, but then as soon I saw this, now I am like, well, I agree now.

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Depends if blizzard thinks they are.

As a fel sucking Blood Elf I demand Felblood options. Do you hear me, green eyes isn’t hacking it, nosiree. I want spikes, red scaly shin, wings, extra arms. As a fel sucking Elf I demand justice for this gross overlook.

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DHs are there for you, felblood elves are kill on sight in quel’thalas

Okay, now give me my Felblood options.

Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to give this reply more attention than usual. My profile is in portuguese, so I couldn’t just copy/past it here.

Anyway, Alamara is a void elf. She is actually an old character that has a long story as she evolved over the game’s expansions. She started as a blood elf, and I decided that would make sense for her to turn into a ren’dorei, as I didn’t want to have a big clash between her in-game look and her description. But she has the soul of a high elf, at least.

Because of her long story and evolution, I’ll post it hidden bellow.

Alamara's backstory (Click to expand)


Born only 54 years ago, Alamara Riverstrider is the only daughter of a great elven magister and a humble tailor from Silvermoon. Unlike her father, she never had any aptitude with magic, but, being very adventurous and a little anti-social, displayed quite some affinity with the forests and the beasts. She admired the Farstriders and, as she grew up, ended up joining them. After her basic training, she was sent to serve under Ranger-captain Alleria Windrunner.

The Second War

In the Second War, when news of the imminent Horde attack on Lordaeron reached Silvermoon, Alamara, despite being very young at the time, chose to follow her captain into battle. It was then that she first got to know the other races of Azeroth, fighting alongside humans, dwarves and gnomes against orcs, trolls and ogres.

Alamara fought from the battles of Hillsbrad to the final push against the Dark Portal. The war taught her some harsh lessons, and, when Quel’thalas recalled its forces back, she chose to return home. Because of that, she didn’t went on the campaign beyond the Dark Portal, unlike her former captain.

The Scourge

Over the next decades, Alamara honed her skills as a ranger and fighter, but she earned to see the world beyond Quel’thalas’ borders again. Before she had the chance, thought, the Scourge came.

Like most elves at the time, Alamara lost her family and many friends to the horrors of the undead. When Silvermoon fell and the Sunwell was corrupted, she was among the Farstriders that helped her people survive. Luckily, her ineptitude with magic made her less vulnerable to the withdrawal.

A reluctant Sin’dorei

During those dark times, Alamara, as most of her people, became a blood elf. However, more than once she found herself at odds with what was required of her to honor that name. She had some affinity for those stubborn elves that insisted to be still called “Quel’dorei”, and agreed with them about how to handle magical addiction more often than not. However, she believed that the survival of the thalassians was more important than her personal feelings on the matter. More than once, as a loyal soldier, she had to escort high elf exiles to the Plaguelands. Sometimes, she felt she should have gone into exile with them, but her sense of duty to her nation and her people made her stay.

The Horde

That inner conflict would only get worse as time went on. She really didn’t like to see the Sin’dorei siding with the Horde. And, while she came to realise this new Horde was unlike the one she had fought some decades before, and learned to respect for the tauren, the darkspear trolls and a few orcs, she still felt kinship and sympathy towards humans and dwarves, never agreeing with treating them as enemies. She appreaciated the few times the Horde and Alliance worked together and hoped there could be peace some day.

Then came Garrosh. The new direction he took the Horde was at odds with Alamara’s feelings. To make matters worse, as war between Horde and Alliance escalated, she was sent to fight with the Forsaken in Silverpine and Hillsbrad. What she witnessed in those battlefields made her lose any faith she could have in the Horde.

Her last battle for the Horde happened in Krasarang, during the Pandaria campaign. Facing a human paladin she had known as a young soldier in the Second War, Alamara was unable to keep fighting and deserted. For a few months, she traveled through Pandaria, ending up in the Isle of Giants.

When Alamara heard of Vol’jin’s insurrection against Garrosh, she chose to join the rebellion. After the Siege of Orgrimmar, however, she chose to abandon the Horde and, through her paladin friend, turned herself in to the Alliance.

Alliance, and the Return of Alleria

Because of her past allegiance, Alamara was put under probation for a time under the Alliance. After the Legion invasion, she learned of her former captain’s return and sought Alleria to server under her again. She didn’t like those void powers, but was eager to rejoin her former leader, who she remembered fondly.

Her very first mission with Alleria was to seek Umbric and his followers. During the mission on Telogrus Rift, Alamara was captured in Durzaam’s trap and transformed into a void elf.

A reluctant Ren’dorei

Alamara feels like she was cursed. Whenever she gathers the courage to set her path right, something stirs her off-course. She never dealed with the Void, she never had any interest in magic. She just wants to be a better person.

It was hard to cope with the transformation. She’s learned to keep the whispers muted when she’s focused on a task, but whenever she’s relaxed the voices come to taunt her with her failings and insecurities.

Alamara avoids to use her new shadowy powers, but has come to terms that they can be helpful sometimes. She does not share the usual ren’dorei’s eargerness to delve into the void. Once, she had to devour th essence of a void artifact in order to destroy it, a harrowing task she hopes to never repeat.

Overall, she’s still hoping to become a better person. Maybe this is all just a trial she must overcome. She has accepted this is a new life for her, and thus, like many ren’dorei, has decided to assume a new surname, so that her exploits and failing do not tarnish the memories of her lost family in Quel’thalas. No longer a Riverstrider, she’s now Alamara Shadestrider.


you might as well be asking for void elf skintones

Red, and green, are void Elf skin tones, scaly skin, horns, spikes, extra arms, and wings belong to Void Elves as well. Dang I wish I knew where to find these customizations at when making a Void Elf.

Also still want Felblood options for my fel sucking Blood Elf :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I can see red skin being for void elves since the emerald nightmare is well red and it is made by an old god who is made by the void. We should also have sha colored skin and finally g’huun skin. But I think fel infused skin color for blood elves would be great too bad blizzard is taking them in the opposite direction and making them light worshipping people.

I love your characters back story :heart:

Actually, one thing I actually wish for, and I know this is something in Gw2, is more of a character back story, and I think SWTOR has this, last names for our characters too.


Cant wait to get my BFA Box Set, will be here tomorrow, I want to read the story book from it. Heard its way better then what we seen in game.

This was a pleasure reading your story for your character, I love stuff like this


All fairly tractable points.

That’s all ultimately just your personal taste, though, because not everyone likes being arbitrarily excluded from content based on their Class, Race, or Faction – especially when these exclusions (i.e. Night Elves being excluded from being Paladins/Warlocks, Blood Elves being excluded from electing to work for the Alliance) don’t jive with the actual narrative backdrop (i.e. there are Night Elf Paladins, there are Night Elf Warlocks, there are Blood Elves that align themselves with the Alliance).


What blood elves align with the alliance?

Thanks! :smiley:
Alamara is a character that got a life of her own. No wonder she became my main.


It still hurts 
 I wanna channel elunes fury as a melee warrior



After Legion, it’s baffling that Blizzard didn’t allow night elf paladins.

There are some allied race combos that should have been done, like mechagnome shaman (“technoshaman”), nightborne paladin (could handwave as learning with the Blood Knights), lightforged monks and many others.


And then the night warrior
 The alliance could use an elf Paladin tbh. Lol