The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

And, your point is what?

Move along youngin,

Oh, why can we all not just get along?

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Can you spell younging first?

I hate strangers.

I dont even

anyway, i think chocolate chip is over rated.

PB is where its at.

You think wrong.


Yup, those big meanies directed me to something once

I mean, I just don’t get how you can get told no, why you’re being told no, and why High Elves for the Alliance don’t make sense at two Blizzcons, and in a Mod post from the Developers and still think your arguments, which have been debunked by players in-game, on the forums, the Developers at a Con and the Developers speaking through a forum Mod, still hold weight when they’re still the same argumental points as when they were debunked.

I don’t think anybody that is asking for playably Alliance High Elvhen know how to argue/debate whatsoever
 That’s just how I see it.

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You must be new

The things they say he doesn’t like don’t count.

I mean most dont
have you seen some of the posters here?

Do I think wrong if I said I think Moth Ball is a cool game?

And I hate Jerks

Its because it is an emotional matter. What they feel is best for their interests.

No clue, never played it

Oh no, I have fallen out of favor with Valarian
what ever will I do?

Well, I think Moth Ball is a cool game.

I eat tacos.

But how will I get in favor again with the 20+ year vet who used his military service as a reason why he cant make a good argument?