The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

True, but blizzard couldn’t have executed it any lazier lol

Sadfang gets 3 high budget cinematics, but the conclusion and focal point of the expansion gets a 40 second movie maker cutscene. noice.


Aww, but if they wanted to give the true glory of the Sadfang cinematics, Tyrande would need to have been inspired by, I dunno, Baine or something to do anything. And have a strong current of everything the Alliance is doing is actually wrong and you suck for doing the quests you were given.


My Personal Opinion on the conclusion that the whole Alliance Victory and Undercity was intentionally subdued so not to make Horde feel bad they lost.

That’d be a first from the story team this expansion


An Elune empowered Tyrande couldn’t even take out Sylv’s court jester. Goes for both sides.

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Meh, it’s not like it was particularly empowering getting beaten up by them as horde. You just run into the problem that Nathanos had to survive long enough to say his lines before us mortals run away from the demi-gods.

Considering it showed her pretty much one shotting entire crowds of horde toons, it was pretty demoralizing seeing her being on even ground with that moron, especially since he mouths off and escapes with night elves they raised to be the alliance bosses in the warfront. Because we couldn’t possibly be allowed to have Nathanos or another horde character as a loot pinata, it has to be our own heroes.


We still need a few characters to do things.

I’m just hoping that there’s some aftermath from this whole ritual thing that resets those two down to mortal levels. It’s kinda tiring to keep hearing about how it’s unrealistic that one character didn’t instantly turn another major character into a fine red mist just by looking at him, and that it’s the character that managed to survive with a lot of help that is the one considered unrealistically OP.

Well lets see Teldrassil burns, We get to see buildings burns and dead Kaldorei, We win In Darkshore we get a Machinama Quality cutscene on 20 people celebrating the great Victory, Wow I felt excited.

We Win Undercity but you get to destroy the city, Still trying to figure out that great victory.

Even got to see Green Jesus resurrected that was really a Alliance High point.

Every High Quality Cinematic was of or had HUlk 2 in it.

Our great Battle in Nazmir was pretty comical, A group all purple headed Kaldorei in Bikinis with no weapons conduct a great assault. Adrenaline was really pumping there,

Sorry If I dont thank the Devs for wonderful experience of the 4th War The Alliance supposedly won. Those were my memorable moments of the 4th war.


I mean I pretty much agree. There was zero point to having Tyrande go all dark moon if she couldn’t beat up someone like Nathanos after.

A much better scenario would have been Tyrande and other night elves make some headway into Darkshore, come across the ritual as it’s finishing and then chucklehead gets to escape with the night elves. At that point Tyrande goes super moon powered. Part of the warfront then could have been about trying to save Dalaryn and Sira from the brainwashing, followed by either Nathanos as the end boss or even just a made up undead character. That would have felt a LOT better to me than it feels to pummel Delaryn, the nelf who was tormented by the psycho banshee in her dying moments and fricken Sira, who I LOVE.

And since I don’t think any of the end bosses for warfronts are considered dead dead, Nathanos would have worked fine.


Tell you the truth if Kaldorei Heritage Armor are the Loincloths from Nazrim Ill get them but ill never wear the set.

Yeah, but Teldrassil was a heroic opening act. It was the story of the heroes home being attacked and the horrors of the villain. Like Beru and Owen or Alderaan in SW, or the hero’s hometown burning to the ground in any cliche fantasy novel. It’s not celebrating the horde, I mean we are explicitly condemned by our questing for what we did.

Undercity was set up to be a clean revenge for the Alliance and ended up being sour for Horde. After seeing the intro CG that painted a picture of a heroic Horde with their back against the wall fighting for each other, we get there and it’s just more of the same. Miraculously all the civilians are evacuated with no problem (we don’t talk about Brill) So there’s nothing there for the Alliance to kill, or the Horde to protect but Sylvanas and soldiers. No guilt for the Alliance, no accidentally killing off civilians, EVERYTHING is pure military. Which also means there’s nothing good for the Horde to be protecting.

So, what? Does James Bond not defeat the villain if he triggers the self-destruct?

And Anduin was in plenty of them, and even our great hero would not do anything but sit and sulk and condemn the horde until the great Alliance hope set him on the path of truth.

As opposed to everything the Horde did in BFA? We failed at everything. Each zone storyline, each plan in our war campaign. Everything after Teldrassil (and even that supposed victory hurt the horde more than it helped it) was utter failure.

Look, I’m not saying that you have to enjoy your story, you’re welcome to have your own opinions on that. Just don’t try and tell me that the Horde storyline was anything more than something I as a player want a damned apology for and never want to see any sort of reminder of ever again.

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I’d wear those honestly, I like that set, especially if we get some sick tattoos with the upgraded customization.

I’ll admit, I’m surprised. I was pretty sure that one of those two was going to do a Sylv 2.0 and end up being like a double agent and strike against her.

Just seemed to be a Intentional Empty Victory for the Alliance for me, Was never excited about being in the 4th didnt feel like the 4th war to me, might have for others I was disappointed, maybe because i read allot lore dunno. Other war lore is way more exciting then i experienced in BFA.

The alliance should have faked the horde out, sent some troops to Lordaeron as a distraction while the real forces went and took Orgrimmar.

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My point is less about how the Alliance should feel, and more about how as Horde it felt as if I had the Story team there smacking me around for daring to have chosen to play Horde a dozen or so years ago.

I was hoping for that, I still am. If Delaryn rips the banshees shriveled heart out and shoves it down Nathanos’ throat, I’ll resub.

Ugh, Delaryn, I’m really not fond of how Golden relies on the whole fridged trope, especially as it always seems to be how she puts emphasis on “Horde Bad!”

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I will say the Nightfallen Rebellion felt good to me from a Kaldorei point of view, A All Elf combined force coming in to help the Kirin Tor. That was pretty cool.