The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Also, I love the look of your transmog Avarie :slight_smile:

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You literally said I was not refuting any arguments when that was what I was doing.

My point is that your arguments are bad. You could be making better arguments instead of trying to counter every opposing argument and failing. You think that by being headstrong and conceding no points makes your case strong; it just means no matter the logic of another person’s arguments you are not gonna change your mind

Winner takes nothing, BTW.

See this is why your arguments are bad and in bad faith, because I have to walk you through every. single. nuance for you not to fall into a GOTCHA! argument.

Do I have to explicitly state that assimilation isn’t a binary state, instead a spectrum? How much have HE’s assimilated? How much they hold on of their former culture? Does creating a HE majority faction like the SC means they are trying to hold on to a cultural identity that nonetheless is different than the one they come from?

This is all the nuance you keep dismissing, and it’s effing tiring.

You know, I really don’t know much about Rift, but I have to ask. Is that the consensus? That the removal of the faction system is what killed the game? Do we have more people that played Rift or are aware?

Cause let me be honest; we really can’t make a 1:1 comparison when we are talking about different games, how can you know it would affect WoW on the same way?

Moreover, WoW more often than not has been defined by the fight against world ending threats so the whole “this is wow’s identity” feels hollow, specially on an expansion that squandered that potential.

Still, even lessening the restrictions does not mean getting rid of the factions, specially when the factions themselves are political entities. Why are they locked to race? Factions themselves can remain, just organized differently.


Indeed, we like high elves due to the choices they made, but that doesn’t mean they have to be perfect nor the blood elves need to be portrayed as evil (which they aren’t). Everyone has some dirt under the rug.

It’s the flaws that make something interesting.


They both have done it rough ever since Arthas invaded Quel’Thalas. They both deserve love.


This, I think there’s a lot of ways of differentiating the thalassians and giving both their own merits and flaws.

Just like I think Blizzard could and should explore the two groups of Pandaren better. Alliance Pandaren are not like Horde Pandaren, even if they look the same.


Horde life is rough, I just feel the Sin’dorei been through more hardship, guess its just me.


There is actually quite a lot of potential for High Elves actually that I have noticed. And there full story after they left Quel’Thalas has not been fully told, which is something that I would actually like to see. After all, I play both factions to experience the full story, but when it comes to the High Elves, I would love to see more of there story for the present timeline.


Yeah, but after watching a 448 pretty much perfectly geared pally barely beat the two wings even with the die/res perk and fail on Alleria I’m going to do two runs, one side each, instead of trying to be a hero on a 430 afflock. :wink:

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I’m not in the same place as that guy - who went in at 448 with four gold essences and one more level of perks than I have. :slight_smile:

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“You’re arguing in bad faith”
“You’re being disingenuous”
“You’re biased”
Are these actual attempts to refute an argument?

That is a declaration not a refuting of my points. The rest of your post is just complaining about my counter points, not trying to counter them. Is this all you’re going to do? Cause I’ll just start cutting chunks out of your posts where they are just words.

Nope, I am not attempting a gotcha at you, I am pointing out the weakness of your argument.
Look, lets pull back a bit.

When you make a race playable, they need to offer something different from everyone else. The night elves provide not only a different aesthetic, but a different starting zone, a different place, a different culture.
Even if we say the high elves and blood elves are different culturally; which I was ceding to you regarding SW high elves; the problem is tht you then have high elves who don’t offer anything different culturally from humans.

So if they don’t offer anything different outside of having a different model, then it mean the culture argument can’t be used to support it. So how do you argue for a different model then if you are agreeing culturally, they’re thesame as humans?

That is not pointing out the fact that the assimilation was used against high elves by the devs, not as support for giving them a new model. It was seen as a reason NOT to make them playable, so such an argument wouldn’t work anyway. It was flawed from the start in too many ways.

You can be upset about it, but I am just poking holes in the argument, showing that thenuance you wish to display doesn’t help you, it works against you.

Let alone the very definition of assimilation by the devs was the high elves being absorbed, and in an anthropological sense, the assimilated group becomes very similar to, if not identical to the one they assimilated. You may be thinking something else.

There are multiple factors that caused RIFT’s death. The removal of factions cause the subscriptions they had left to briefly spike (the brief interest), then sharply dip.
The number of players who were Guardians (alliance) also shifted to Defiant (Horde) because red is edgier than blue and the good guys arent as cool as the “tough it out to survive guys.”.

You can ask Murg because seemingly, I am to be doubted with every word I utter.

Murg. I am 443 and I did 2 wings, and Alleria with more than half my sanity bar left and without using my res. Just ask for help you derp.

It’s like a tale of two brothers whose choices led them into separate paths, and now they can’t understand each other anymore.

When the heritage questline for blood elves was released, I commented how a high elf version of it would be different by beginning where the blood elf one ended. It would be about them resisting the changes started by Kael’thas and Rommath and being exiled (or choosing to leave), then seeking help in the Alliance to survive.


This one, as an at one time big fan of the game, I agree. I played Defiant and I really loved the gameplay and faction war. At one point pretty early in the game PvP was an absolute blast with some seriously epic brawls. When the factions dissolved it pretty instantly became uninteresting to me. It was already on the long slide to death by then though. They made some bad decisions instead of riding out some new xpac competition from other games and then playing for the bounce back of subs

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I just double-checked the Wowpedia entry for Court of Farondis, and though the entry doesn’t have any citation it is mentioned that the Nar’thalassian NE’s aren’t bound to Azsuna at all – and, indeed, are more similar to Ethereals than they are to typical ghosts.

They’re immortal Night Elves, most likely suffused by Arcane energy, and completely aligned with the Alliance. Whoever at Blizzard thought that Lightforged Draenei would be a more popular addition than Nar’thalassians or Stormheim’s Vrykul needs to have their permission to speak freely at the weekly creative meetings revoked.

Color me impressed. In a not at all sarcastic way. Two wings plus Alleria is some solid work. And yeah, should probably just say “Help me Senpai”. :slight_smile:

Did anyone see this?

I did it on the DK and my paladin. I’d faction swap my paladin but
i dont have DiD yet

No, I haven’t done that quest chain yet so I’m avoiding the cutscene to watch it in its proper context. :slight_smile:

Well, when I get to R6 on my BM hunter (just got R5 today) I’ll holler. He’s a little better geared than Wylee thanks to finally getting a 435 bow to drop. :slight_smile:

Hang on I think I had something for this.

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