The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

No, you are confused. Vereesa has “never” thought of returning to Silvermoon. You are thinking of when Sylvanas, her sister, wanted to be in her life again but it took turning her undead.
Vereesa was going through a hard time and you could say that she needed a reconnection. So her and Sylvanas discussed how they can reconnect and it seemed to be going fine but it turned out, Sylvanas wanted to make her undead- so they could be together forever. No more death or loss. But Veressa said no, for her kids sake mainly and went back to Dalaran.

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Another big assumption people are making is that the high elves were fine while blood elves suffered without the sunwell. They ALL were feeling it.

The high elves just didn’t want to resort to mana vampirism.


Ah alright, thanks for clarifying

No problem.

She was planned to stay in Undercity with Sylvanas, nothing to do with Silvermoon. Vereesa absolutely despises the High elves. She tolerated Sylvanas because she didn’t become “those things”. That’s based on her attitude.

Know what I find strange though? She allowed a fel tainted high elf in the ranks of the Silver Covenant. But it was a relative of hers. The irony.

Does that imply that dishonoring those same fallen is uniquely High Elf culture? Not a joke question; is it implicit that the first statement automatically makes the second statement true?

Further, when it comes to culture there is this to discuss as well:

“there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture—only a past filled with glory and regret.”[2]


Honestly I don’t know. I imagine that High Elves would honor their fallen as well, but refuse to go by “Blood Elf” to dissacotiate with those on the Horde. Being pro Alliance is pretty much the only difference between the two

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That link is referring to Alliance elves. Not High elves as a race. Other than the Azeroth part, High elves, as a race, do very well have a culture etc. Modern High elves are referred to those in human culture. Modernized elves.

And yet the Blood Elves, at the time of their renaming specifically, were not yet in the Horde.


Yes, I’m well aware that it is referring to the non-Blood Elf, non-GMO Thalassians
which is why I posted it in reference to a discussion about High Elf vs Blood Elf culture.

That’s interesting, actually. There are both High and Blood Elves in Classic prior to them being playable in TBC, so what of those who still went by High Elf?

I can only speculate, but maybe they weren’t present for the destruction of their kingdom, and “Blood Elf” was a term they felt only applied to survivors. That probably sounds silly, but I couldn’t see them choosing to dishonor the dead by rejecting the title

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The fall of Silvermoon was in the 3rd war, which was prior to BC. So there would have been splintered groups here and there. And no, blizzard makes it very clear that it’s purely political. But as one pointed out, that is rather strange.

BC picks up after the reclaiming of the city, Kael had been gone to outlands (and back) and Theron is in the middle of working to join the horde. “Blood” was already given in the 3rd war.

It was likely a choice made out of necessity. After Kael’thas and the Blood elves were imprisoned and sentenced to death for their “betrayal” any remaining High elves were faced with the choice of taking on the name of Blood elf and possibly being seen as a traitor as well, or remaining as a High elf and claiming no association.

One of the main reasons many High elves remained with the Alliance is because they didn’t want to have to struggle to survive, and relied on other races to support them; this was likely also one of the reasons why they chose to remain as High elves by name.

this is not meant to be rude so please give me leway to just ask.

Why have you not given up and what gives you hope?
Why do you keep fighting?

These are legit quests since from my perspective they made it clear it wont happen the last time they acknowledged this.

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That does not prevent a story of them being united and forming a new path for themselves. It’s what was true then, not an immutable truth.

Plus, the Silver Covenant was created after the encyclopedia was discontinued, so things clearly changed somewhat since then.


There are Blood Elves in Classic though, right? Wouldn’t make sense for the title to exist if Silvermoon hasn’t fallen yet

It’ll vary case by case, but I enjoy chatting with those who regularly come to these threads. That, and I’m holding out a sliver of hope that Half Elves may be considered in the future


But hadn’t it fallen? I mean sylvanas was leading the forsaken already during classic.

I figured it had by WoW’s release, considering that Lordaeron is in ruins and Arthas was presumably sitting on the frozen throne

And there have been several tiny factions made playable that make the High Elf population look massive.


It fell before Vanilla aka before BC. But I should have made that more clear. 3rd war took place before Vanilla.