The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Scene from one of the Hot Shots movies?

Well, They are an Alliance aligned race. and they are our forebears. but why not. I would not play a night elf. Or heaven Forbid a Void Elf. There are some who want to be Alliance but have the Blood Elf look. I don’t blame them. The High Elves do have a part of the World of Warcraft Lore and they are cool.


I am sure there have been some Human/High Elf unions. I can see them having some of the traits of both. maybe High Elf eyebrows but human type eyes.


There are a few Half Elfs cases in the lore, Can look up Half Elfs on WOWpedia there is allot of info on them there. But you are correct.

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People here should really replay w3 the frozen throne

Blood elves ARE high elves, they just renamed themselves while STILL being part of the alliance to honor their dead bethren, they even had the blue eyes and everything, they had NO fel energy, you can even play as BLOOD ELVES in the human faction in warcraft, they wanted out when a human commander attempted to execute the ones who survived Arthas’ attack.

Any elf after these events in wow that identify themselves as “high elf” were either in dalaran at the moment of Arthas’ purge or away and unaware of what was happening at Silvermoon like Alleria, if she was there defending allongside Sylvanas she would be a blood elf today or a dark ranger, she is still part of the alliance now because that’s how it was before she left.

I just dont understand why would anyone would like to play as someone that abandoned their homeland when they were most needed.

Ion is absolutely right in his statement that if you want to play high elf, the horde is there for you, just admit that you want the elves in your prefered faction, and let’s get this over with.

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Your post is pure hubris. Just like the dev that said it.

You’re not accepting the high elves that were Alliance-oriented throughout WCII or WCIII. They were there. WoW just barfed all over their lore. The only reason blood elves went Horde was to balance the population after classic. The only reason the population balance is still out of whack is none of the devs care or play Alliance. What’s sickening is the best elves are on Horde now. What’s wrong with this picture?

Night elves? Nope. Whatever is wrong with the devs, they sure have it out for the night elves. Their story is garbage, their vengence is a soft tickle, and their lore went up in smoke. Not the Nightborne though. O M G do they have a beautiful city. And aren’t they sure buddy-buddy with their new elf pals in the horde? Yeah they are.

Blueberry elves? Where did these even come from!? Oh wait, some dev pulled this one out of their nether
regions to make up the most contrived origin story ever. Lulz.

So yeah. Folks that want to play high elves have a right to want to play high elves. You shouldn’t diminish their desire to voice their support or outrage that the devs are so one-sided on the topic.

I’m still supportive for Alliance high elves in whatever fashion
 but I’ve hung up the Alliance flag - it’s Horde for me until both factions get equal treatment. Which as long as Ion is there and his cronies aren’t rolling Alliance
 will be never.


Thalassian Civilian, Thalassian Priest, Thalassian Magister

Not sure why you guys don’t seem to like the name of Thalassian, much more beautiful and less cocky than “High Elf”.


They were blood elves in the human faction, therefore alliance oriented in WC3, they had dragonhawk riders, blood mages, sorceress, etc; But they left, they left the alliance like it or not, the fact that they joined the horde may be a bit weird and yes maybe it was because of population, but still it was either that or have the high elves AKA blood elves be an NPC faction forever like it was before TBC and you know why?

Because they wouldnt join the alliance. The high elves, now called blood elves would never. join. the. alliance, because the humans, the faction they were PART of abandoned them in their version of the apocalipsis and the few that survived were almost exterminated by non other than a human.

Commenting this cause I ran out of likes for today.

Yep, I love half breeds, especially Half Elves. Here’s hoping they’re an Alliance playable option one day. :pray:t3:


All Blizz needs to do is make the Half Elves of the rpg canon. They planned to have Half Elf units in WC3 too, may as well finally develop something with them

This is in the very same post. Sure showed me.

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“There are those who will go to Dalaran whether you will it or not, Regent Lord,” - Aethas Sunreaver

I disagree with your assessment. The regent lord has the power to make them expatriots. So being willing to go without his permission is telling.

We’re privy to Lor’themar’s thoughts, so we know that he’s not going to exile them. But Aethas doesn’t know that when he makes his threat.

Recovering doesn’t mean they’re going back to their old ways though. They’re Blood Elves now
 and like I’ve said, culturally, as far as we see in WoW they can’t go back.

Liadrin leads the Blood Knights herself. The Blood Knights are essentially what gets them drawn into fighting for the Horde at the request of Sylvanas.

And the Blood Knights are a massive cultural shift. The Sin’dorei are represented by a Templar Order. Saying that doesn’t reflect their culture is like saying that the Teutonic Knights or the Knights Templar didn’t reflect European culture during the holy wars.

Imagine Warcraft 2, or 3 with the Sin’dorei currently introducing themselves to the players. Rather than archers, or mages, or priests being the face of this fantasy trope, they’d roll in with a bunch of Sanguine Knights
 and potentially Scryers with blood filled warmachines.

I’d definitely have a different opinion of them.

and those military institutions are how we know the races of World of Warcraft. We’re aware of their culture because of the units they showed up with and then passing mentions of their civics.

The Sunwell isn’t the entirety of their culture. Also, the Sunwell is different now. It’s a font of holy energy turn peoples eyes golden, and I feel like you can even see the effect of Holy cosmologies need for Order appearing in their priest and blood knight forces.

Chris Metzen also said that he wanted to play a long game of redeeming the Blood Elves with the light and changing them that way.

It’s no longer a massive font of arcane energy and that’s having cultural changes on the Blood Elves as well.

Like I said earlier, the establishment of Templar orders were a massive cultural change that affected Europe

and FOR SURE. Uther becoming a Paladin was a big deal in the Warcraft games
 and you can’t pretend like the Silver Hand isn’t a big deal in the way that it’s affected human culture, and the culture of everybody in Warcraft.

Not only is it a huge cultural shift for them, it’s also got the creation of “The Light and How to Swing it.” by Uther, in a setting that’s not big on people writing books, that’s a big deal too.

Not like they were in the past though. We ran into Mage-Priests in Warcraft 3. The new Blood Elf priests are something else. Cruise through Vol’dun some time. They’re an interesting group.

I don’t think they are. I think the only thing that hasn’t really changed is Lor’themar.


I dig talking to you though, so it’s not thing.

Even if your beard blends in with your skin tone so when I see your forum avatar I’m like, “Look at that Void Elves Jaw


Yeah, my mind blanked on the name.

Because that has story to it?

I mean, look at Void Elves. They’re the most played Allied Race in the game and their story is “We threw a tantrum because we could told not to touch the bad box and we then abandoned our people because we didn’t want to be told what to do”

High Elf story at least has things you could do with it, them wanting to stay with previous allies than abandon all of that and join up with this crazy Night Elf guy who was using an orc’s skull as a focus of power


I got a better idea everyone. How about we create 2 new Allied Races, one each for both factions, but chosen different paths. Storm Elves and Snow Elves?

Like Storm Elves would be something of destruction and monstrosity, and made out of electricity, so we can give that to the Alliance, and Snow Elves would be pointed ear Snowman, and that can be given to the Horde?

That was the Blood Elf story.

Last time I checked the Blood Knights aren’t the Scarlet Crusade.

It’s a terrible comparison anyway because the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ were primarily a corporation and the Teutonic Order was primarily a colonialist power rather than military orders.

Thalassian paladins aren’t new, they were just adopted more widely.

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Well Blood Knights are new-ish as far as Thalassian paladins go, assuming they existed prior to the Sunwell’s destruction (I assume they could’ve existed, they had traditional priests and warriors). They were a pretty big cultural shift though, moving from having faith in the light to bending it to their will

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And then a bounce back to just being religious boiz.