The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Except that the high elf groups have sub groups, and it is a questionable claim to say they are alliance aligned.

Silver covenant? Arguably neutral due to dalaran affiliation.
Auric sunchasers group is neutral and he is of the allerian stronghold type.
Quellithien was neutral and their remaining npcs are neutral and friendly to both now.

Quel danil i am unsure of, because i yhink their npcs can be found elsewhere as neutral to both. .

So saying the majority is alliance based is at best, a weak argument.
You should also really refrain from.making assumptions by suggrsting ive not been to outland. Ive played this game since vanilla, so step off with that nonsense.

Fyi, those blood elves are kaelthas followers and is stated as such, including the scryers who are neutral.
Iirc, i believe they rejoined silvermoon after

If group names are important then one needs to be consistent on using them accordingly.

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Poor Auric, he’s remembered only when it’s convenient but not when he said that everyone at the Sunwell when the sword was restored were “Children of Quel’thalas”.

To be fair, only one NPC from there remains that is indeed neutral, the rest are all wretched and who knows where Aurora is.

indeed. stating SC is alliance ALIGNED is fanfiction. they are all citizens of dalaran which places them within the laws of the kirin tor and its neutrality to which they are pledged. if all SC members are citizens, and they are lets be honest, then what the SC is
is a small militia of dalaran citizens based in DALARAN :smile:

The Silver Covenant is Alliance aligned. They serve as the foils for The Sunreavers.

Both groups operate out of Dalaran and both groups make no secret about who they are aligned with while working in Dalaran.

To say otherwise is real fanfiction.


that would make the SC in dalaran an alliance high elf hub which ion flat out debunked. they are pledged to the kirin tor and dalaran. not the alliance and stormwind

Incorrect. Dalaran is a neutral Hub.

The SC is Alliance aligned. As a member of the Horde, I cannot in any way, shape or form help members of the Silver Covenant. As a member of the Alliance I cannot help the Sunreavers.

Their faction alignments are as clear as day and trying to argue otherwise, is pretty silly and ignorant.


lol yes you can play a horde hunter in legion, or an alliance mage in legion

While I’m one of the few that haven’t really argued much about the alliegance of the SC, I don’t think this is much of the case.

The only time the Sunreaves acted on their own was those rogue elements and right after the Purge. We haven’t really seen the Sunreaves acting outside the authority of Dalaran, at least that I can remember.

If I’m wrong, then sure, in that case there’s a chance the SC has acted on itself as well, but both SC and Sunreavers are bounded to the Kirin Tor, Dalaran is neutral and Khagdar has affirmed that neutrality in Legion.

This part it’s true, 100% true, though.

Because maybe is the logical answer.

Here, let’s do the logic here:

Are all people posting here with a blue background actually Alliance mains?

  • Probably not. I play the Horde, but I’m an Alliance main.

Now granted, I do play both factions, but keep in mind that many of the people that reply are on really low level Alliance alts. Which doesn’t matter. The moral of the story is that having a blue background behind your avatar doesn’t mean you’ve spent much time, or care about the Alliance.

Hecatone just admitted he’s an Alliance main. I’ve only ever observed him posting as a High Level Horde character.

So the answer is: Maybe.

It’s not complicated.

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I’m not under the impression they are formally part of the Alliance and that they are supervised by the Kirin Tor. Then again, Blizzard’s story telling has pretty weak exposition. Maybe it’s worth tweeting a game dev?

Stop doubling down. Really. It’s not helping you.

You’re making assumptions based on the assumption of ill intent.

The answer to “Are they a fake x player” is simple: It does not matter, focus on the argument.

My Hunter and Mage do not have a reputation tab for the SC, so this isn’t relevant at all.

Class Halls are about everyone banding together to fight the Legion, not one group helping another menial tasks that have no bearing on the world. So again, this isn’t relevant at all.

Until you can click on my profile and find me the Silver Covenant or Kirin Tor Onslaught reputation tabs, then my point still stands that they are aligned to the Alliance and Horde respectively.

Wasn’t Khadgar teleporting nelves out in the War of Thorns or is that another misguided post on the forums that I read?

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He didn’t exactly show up for the fight. He provided aid.

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Once again, by your logic, Kul’Tirans aren’t Alliance affiliated because they’ve got sub-groups and you have to fight them in dungeons.

I’m not big on counter-arguments that require people to be grossly ignorant for them to make sense.

What about Pandaren by the way? They’re not Horde aligned? Or are they not Alliance Aligned?


Probably, and Dalaran was also voting on whether or not to send aid to Theramore with Aethas being the deciding vote in favor and yet, that also wasn’t considered breaking neutrality somehow.

But I don’t know if this was a thing, I will need someone that plays Alliance (and that I can trust, at this point) to confirm it.

I’ll see what I can find for now.

as citizens of dalaran the SC, it is logical to assume that such citizenship requires loyalty to the kirin tor and their council of six. as a result, the SC is at least bound to the kirin tor through their status as dalaran citizens and as such is required to respect the neutrality of dalaran and to uphold that in the outside world. this also explains their absence from the vast majority of the game including the fourth war and almost guaranteed absence in shadowlands again outside of vereesa appearing in the context of a windrunner sister

Providing Aid to one side, isn’t exactly being neutral.

You do realize that all the High Elf 7th Legion members in BFA are also flagged as being members of the Silver Covenant, right?

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The, “Dalaran is Neutral” bit is always a bit of an odd argument. Especially considering at one point they literally kicked the Horde out of the city.

Their entire ruling council are compromised of Alliance races. They were an Alliance city-state before they started floating too.

They’re just used narratively to provide a neutral base during Wrath of the Liche King and Legion.

They try to remain neutral and do, “save Azeroth” stuff. But they used to be run by Rhonin, who’s as Alliance as they come, etc.

People just use their, “Save the World” neutrality as a convenient arguing point.

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which means when they go off to war they cant do it as SC. they have to put on a different uniform. and only 2 bothered to show up

As I mentioned, when Dalaran sent aid to Theramore it still wasn’t considered as breaking neutrality. It can simply be attributed to Blizzard forgetting things again, really.