The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Still if they added Horde Undead Night Elves I wouldn’t lie I would rock that especially if they added Dark Ranger as a class.

I’m heavily in favor of that personally, but I’m indifferent to what Horde get in the end. I just want High Elves.

You technically already have High Elves on the Alliance, what they need to do is add an Alleria like skin to them to make them believable.

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I would have been fine with that but they explicitly mentioned not giving new options to Allied Races.

Of course that could have been a general statement, and they can give Void Elves a few extra options as a special case.

Personally I’d be OK with it, but I would also be a little disappointed as that would mean their aesthetic would be tied to the Void Elves. It would also dilute what little uniqueness VE have already.

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What, I wonder, will you be posting if blue eyed options for Blood Elves are announced?

Are you new to Blizzard games?

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They also said Blood Elves, Draenei, Worgen, and Goblins wouldn’t get model updates prior to WoD – who knows what pressure on them could coax them into doing.


VE Elves are High Elves, BE Elves are High Elves in both cases they simply changed their race names.

If you follow the Blood Elf heritage armor quest you come to realize why they changed things up. since they named themselves after the blood that was spilled by the fallen.

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Your first question reveals the reality of the situation, as you’re more interested in how pissed off I’d be more than anything else.

How empty must one’s life be to be that way. Luckily for me I get fulfillment from actually relevant things.

This whole thing started by just wanting to carry on High Elf lore and models. We got half of half. If they can fix it by updating void elves to have HE models and give us a small story to integrate High Elves with Void Elves then I’ll be more than happy with the outcome and shut up about it.

They kinda did that already, but okay.

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I’m talking about Alliance High Elves not the random reject Blood Elves.

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But Blood Elves are High Elves.


Yea yeah been there before.

How do you return to what you already are?

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I don’t know tell that to the couple dozen named major NPCs and four expansions I had High Elves asking me to hunt bear asses for them while playing on the Alliance.

Maybe this will help you understand just a bit better. Know your Elves.

Well I don’t recognize you so I’ll assume you’re being genuine, but the distinction isn’t so much about race as much about faction.

Honestly the distinction is pretty simple to grasp.

You’re from the USA. I’m from Lebanon. We’re both humans but we have vastly different experiences, even though we share most of the same experiences. In terms of our time on Earth, we can’t be more alike while also being different.

Doesn’t matter what you call em. High Elves. Blue Elves. Storm Elves. They’re all elves, specifically Highborne Elves
specifically “high elves”.

And it’s basically been 15+ years (even more if you count Alleria’s squad) of divisions between the high elves that are on Alliance and the high elves that are on the Horde. Lots of story and context and fun to be had. Unique characters. Interesting interactions. Ups and downs. A fun “civil war” of sorts that plays second fiddle to the whole Human/Undead (which carry almost the exact same themes except one has death and one has the whole fel business).

People, like myself, want to represent those experiences through playing those Alliance High Elves. Sure they, at the moment, are basically just blue eyed blood elves. But character creators are arbitrary. They don’t have to be the same.

So yea
 honestly the name is irrelevant
 call em what you want. What they are is obvious though, unless you’re trolling. You probably aren’t.

All there is to it, and I’ve repeated these things enough that I could have a Master’s degree in High Elf history so I’m no gonna go in loops debating it.


You are asking for Alliance High Elves known as the Silver Covenant they are a splinter group who stayed with the Alliance when Silvermoon who are High Elves renamed themselves to Blood Elves removed themselves from the Alliance.

So technically Alliance High Elves never changed their race name since they are broke away against orders to actively help in the Alliance war efforts.


DecideUH is trolling, just so you’re aware.

This is exactly true.

People just call them “High Elves” cause they still go by that name, but honestly they really don’t have to be called that.

Call them Covenant Elves if you want. Hell if I care.

Although I actually would love if they incorporated ALL the High Elves together into one group. If they, for example, added the High Elves in Hinterlands, we can justify having our first Elf shaman.