The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

They’re more popular than Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, and Worgen – utilizing that flimsy rationale, all of those races are abject failures because they were introduced before Pandaren. :man_shrugging:

The point is, as stated above, it is objectively inaccurate to suggest that Pandaren are unsuccessful by any metric. Additionally, even if it were accurate and they were objectively the least played option, there’s virtually nothing in the way of suggestive evidence that would imply that their split loyalty would be the cause of such unpopularity.


With the all the other Quel’dorei friendly with the Alliance that is a possibility some but not all would join their “kin” in the void.

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High elves are already playable. This character is proof.

Joining the void would be a huge decision and likely only one made as a big group. Sure you’d have a few but at that point there would be nothing left of the race except the Blood Elves. The blue eyes would be wiped out by their own choice.

Sorry your a Ren’dorei not a Quel’dorei.


Sorry I’m not blonde enough for you. At least I got the blue eyes.


Your special eyes! MY BRAND!

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I would go read about the two then come back.


If we’re trying to compare the popularity of any two playable races, we can’t arbitrarily disregard portions of those playable races solely because of their factional alignment.

Pandaren are Pandaren, regardless of their faction.

Ok, I’ll concede the point. :slight_smile:

I mean, if someone comes at you with a sword…what do you expect an orc to do? Stand there and say “I can’t hit you because we are allied with blood elves?”. You have high elves who willingly put themselves out there, so naturally they become casualties of war.
Most high elves dont engage in the faction warfare.


Why can’t they just ban those modders and leave the others alone?


Actually they arent. Both pandarens added together is only 23k, when worgens sit at 26k from your source.

I know realmpop uses different numbers (because I think it takes count of offline characters or character who havent been logged into during the census frame).

No its also because we are doing the Horde + Alliance Pandaren, standalone they are far less.

So sure, they may have more numbers together…but since this is a faction based system; counting them together is counterintuitive. Its why we dont go by population percentage at all levels to talk about faction imbalance.

Alliance suffers at max level due to an imbalance, yet has the majority at all levels included.

EDIT: THis is also without going into faction story or NPC identity, both of which pandarens LACK post Mists.

I’m not sure what exactly you’re looking at, but these are the only two sources I mentioned:


Worgen with 15,061 @ 120
Pandaren with 15,683 @ 120

RealmPop (US):

Worgen with 116,411 @ 120
Pandaren with 125,032 @ 120

We aren’t discussing the popularity difference(s) between Alliance-aligned Pandaren and Horde-aligned Pandaren, or even the popularity difference(s) between the broader Alliance and broader Horde, we’re discussing the difference(s) in popularity between one playable thematic (i.e. Pandaren) and another playable thematic (i.e. any other playable race).

You’re basically suggesting, “Pandaren aren’t popular, because I only consider ~50% of their population to matter at any given point in time depending upon what I’m talking about”. That’s nutty.


It changes the game files which is a huge breach when it comes to security sadly. They cant take it lightly. Although from what I gather it seems like the more harmless offenses were maybe given a second chance?

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Since you went with with the original at all levels, I kept at all levels:

Pandaren A: 11898
Pandaren H: 11811
Total: 23709

Worgen: 26324

Because we arent framing the two groups together: by that logic, Kultiran Humans are the most popular AR because Blizzard has said there is no actual difference between them and regular humans.

Its a framing issue: if you frame the two groups together, it looks fine. If you dont and look at each factions, they are the least played core race in the game.

Do we just suddenly have to add the worgen pop to human pop since worgens are still human? What about the Undead?

Why do you keep bouncing back and forth between comparing all characters, and only max-level characters? Just pick one, and we’ll stick with it together, fam.

You aren’t framing them together, for some as yet unknown reason, but I most certainly am.

  1. Blizzard hasn’t said this about Kul Tirans.
  2. As a matter of fact, the in-universe explanation for the Kul Tiran’s being physiologically distinct from Gilnean’s or Stormwindian’s is that they’ve inherited a bit of genetic material from the Drust (i.e. Vrykul) and/or they’ve experienced 2,000+ years of artificial selection pressures.
  3. This entire likening of yours is entirely unlike the Pandaren, who still constitute of a single nation of people – who continue to live, work, eat, and sleep together in the home they share without any issues at all.

I’m going to provide you with an image of the character creation screen, when you’ve opened it, do me a favor and count how many boxes there are that say “Pandaren”. :man_shrugging:

“Harumph! I say, we noble Giff have nothing to do with any frivolous Elves, high or otherwise. Good day!”

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what is that

That is a Giff.

From Spelljammer, the 2nd Ed. AD&D spacefaring rules. They’re sort of victorian explorer mercenaries who have guns and if I remember, are somewhat magic resistant.