The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I am not a huge fan of the tree anyway
 we can erect a fortress right where astranaar is now :+1:

But for now we have to tend to our pumpkins

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Ashenvale orc land elf pls desist.

you have one chance, Orc; you and all your Horde friends.
YOU ‘desist’!
and do it now, before our great and glorious HIGH ELVES arise again!
Ooooo, they’ll give you SUCH a time!

Just chiming in with contined support for the High Elves! And a shameless insert of support for Ogres too. Seriously, if we get High Elves we MUST get Ogres too

besides, Ion I believe, did talk about WC 2 nostalgia, and High Elves and Ogres were prevalent around that time, weren’t they? I recall the Archers in Warcraft 2 looking like Elves at least.


yea they are called blood elves now and are a part of the horde. the story has moved on

Well spake!
And, on that cheery note, I am off!
Tomorrow is going to be madder than usual, and I need to be ready!
SKÖL to the thread!
Slings she shied, hefts axe and stalks off to whatever ghastly things go on when she’s not here

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I think I just got helfer bingo.


What do you mean?

i also want to address alamars void elf bashing

im very sure they are aware of steve danuser, senior narrative designer, comments on void elves

“The Void Elves were a case where we didn’t want the Allied Races to be something you were always familiar with before. We wanted to introduce new ideas, and new opportunities,” Danuser says. With Alleria Windrunner’s story being an internal success on Argus, the team saw it as the opportunity for a new twist on elves

“They start out as a small group,” Danuser continues. “But it’s natural as other elves have found out about them — elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities — would see if they could undergo a similar process. They’re not 
 recruiting , necessarily, but they’re open to those who show a similar interest.”

The Void Elves’ leader, Magister Umbric, plays a prominent role during the Alliance War Campaign. Throughout the campaign, he is humble, helpful, and even offers to take the blame for a failed mission so the player isn’t inconvenienced. This manner is contrasted with the ways in which he helps, which includes creating void portals that dismantle and consume goblin mechs, or transforming the player biologically so they can infiltrate an enemy settlement.

The Nightborne bring more gravitas to the Horde, making the Blood Elves feel more natural in the faction and providing an important counterweight to the Forsaken or Orcs. Meanwhile, the Void Elves give the Alliance a potential dark side that could be explored in future content
and as the Void becomes more important to the story, we’ll likely need their help.

we can draw these things from this. they can bolster their numbers, were intended to be something new and are to be developed in the future, and they are VERY popular on the alliance

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The Blood Elves are in the Horde, yes, but they don’t really seem to consider themselves High Elves anymore, at least not in the same way as the surviving High Elves that are part of the Alliance do. Blood Elves just 
don’t seem to factor the High Elf thing at all anymore? If what I’ve seen on RP communities is anything to go by, going around in Horde settlements saying you’re a High Elf is probably not a good idea? If you’re not calling yourself a Blood Elf, something might be up and anyone who RPs a more suspicious Hordie is likely going to want to stab that Elf character. I don’t believe this is a case for every Elf RPer Horde side who goes for the ‘High Elf in the Horde’ angle, mind you but 
I’ve observed it happen a few times.

Mostly it’s High Elves looking to become Blood Elves through story development so :shrug: Blood Elves are Blood Elves, not every High Elf has become a Blood Elf, and all that sort of thing I guess?


Her point is that the high elf identity is now owned by the blood elves. Everything that previously defined high elves now defines blood elves.



Why not? Blood Elves are Blood Elves. That’s what they’ve called themselves since The Frozen Throne. I’m not sure I’m convinced there’s a straight ‘no’ about it; particularly as RPers usually try to stick with the Lore
 with some variance of adherence, certainly. But why would Blood Elves call themselves High Elves anyway when they’ve gone with ‘Blood Elf’ as long as they have?

And especially with there still being High Elves at least fighting on the Alliance side? Maybe if they’d introduced Blood Elves as a neutral race way back in BC
 I dunno.

I also don’t think High Elf identity is owned by Blood Elves, personally, given that Blood Elves appear to have their own thing going; starting as taking all the steps deemed necessary to survive (including messing with dissident’s minds ages back to preserve a certain quo in Silvermoon), to being fairly chill with Light-worship again.

The High Elf survivors under Alleria so far seem to be 
specialist forces serving alongside the Alliance?


Because player communities aren’t a source.

Next we’ll be citing things once revealed to us in dreams.

Yes they are. They absolutely are a source. That doesn’t make them a reliable source, but they are still a source to draw on.

And in the case of Rpers; many of which DO try to adhere closely to the lore, it seems to reasonable to me to say that Blood Elves just 
don’t have the exact same values they might have had when every Thalassian were still just High Elves. Especially as anyone who rolls a Blood Elf generally seems toget the impression that being called a High Elf just 
doesn’t really happen anymore.

They have that distinction; Blood Elves so called because Kael’thas wanted to pay a homage to the fallen; and I have had the impression for a long while it was pretty unanimous, and those High Elves who didn’t return to Silvermoon and take on the moniker of ‘Sin’dorei’ seem to mostly be in the Silver Covenant 
with maybe some examples being neutral.


They are totally going to put in a scene where my character is on a pyramid in sort of sun god robes while thousands of naked women throw little pickles at him. Any day now!


no they definitely do. and as development continues to have to remind you blood elves are high elves, not blood elves are blood elves. the race is high elf. given that blood elves represent well over 90% of the high elf population, control its state and armies and even the sunwell, i thik they very much do own the ‘high’ elf identity. they have the right to define what a high elf is in modern times

the SC are a minor SPLINTER faction of the high/blood elves. the high elf race is already playable as blood elves. just like defias humans are a minor faction of the human race who are already playable as the stormwind humans

And Night Elves and Shal’dorei are still Night Elves, which is sensible because Shal’dorei are an off-shoot of the Night Elves anyway. And they’re still a valid choice for a playable allied race, aren’t they? Especially since they DID make them playable; even if the models could use a little work.


I had a dream once where there were burgers that would eat you, can I expect to see that in Chronicles soon?

What, did your RP communities tell you that as well?

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No actually, but they were once regular Night Elves; there was a cinematic in Legion that even showed their change from Night Elf to Nightborne over the course of that cinematic. They are still Night Elves, technically speaking.

Hell in WoW Lore Elves are apparently mutated Trolls, they’ve just changed so much that they can’t really just be called Trolls anymore.

When it comes to Night Elves and Shal’dorei, High Elves and Blood Elves, and Void Elves, they’re all still Elves. Offshoots (Shal’dorei, Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei) exist, and they’re still Elves. The Blood Elves absolutely should still be their own thing, and should High Elves ever become an Allied Race, I’d expect them to diverge in their own way too; especially since it can be reasonably assumed they might not be the same kinds of High Elves they were before the fall of Quel’thalas during the Third War.