The Hate for LFR is Puzzling

Because the people who hate on LFR are not telling you their identity is tied to a video game. If they can’t brag about having the time will patience or skill doing mythic raiding…what do they have?

(Overly dramatic on purpose but that’s what it comes off as. What rational person hates people purely for the content they do or don’t do in a computer game? You are a loser if you do this.)

Wow raiders are miserable and want everyone else to be miserable too.


Sorry you feel that way. But I can tell you raiders and RPers are probably the least miserable out of the players bunch.

To OP post, LFR is there to story tell events. If I recall in FF14 you had to do savage mode (alexander comes to mind) to get some mounts which for some can be harder to do then some WoW raids. WoW is just asking for you the players to step your toe into normal which is extremely easy with all the nerfs it has gone through.

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You mean to tell me I could be getting paid to complain about LFR but I’ve been doing it for free?

It tends to be filled with anti social people and subsequently degenerate behavior. It’s also extremely easy but somehow people wipe on it. I’m not a fan of lfr.

That being said, for some people it is the only way they get to play. So it should exist and it should have access to this mount for this kinda garbage season.

the higher levels of content do drop rewards, better rewards, whats the use of a game if half the content had nothing at all for doing it? If a community voted mount was offered to all players, it wouldnt be deleting anything from the already top tier portions of the game.

I think this is something that these so called “deserving” people seem to constantly ignore and reject. They wonder why people dont take them seriously, and they wonder why people do not enjoy their attitudes or mindsets. I bet alot of these people do not act like they do on these forums in the real world. Being a total anti human wont lead a person far in life, unless one was born into wealth and were able to weasel out of consequences at every turn

Dismissive. No one was even talking about classic or how irrelevant that is?

Retail isn’t friendly to anyone at all, you just proved it with the dismissive attitude you gave. Everyone gatekeeps here.

Did you have this dismissive attitude when the Obsidian Worldbreaker was obtainable through LFR? Probably not. You’re just angry and mad because other people clearly were lied to and are voicing such concerns. The achievement said any difficulty, therefore it should count in LFR as well, simple as that. This isn’t rocket science. You had nothing to provide here so I’m dismissing you in return.

people only hate Lfr because they are insecure


You said that “it didn’t always use to be that way.” I then provided classic as an example of yes, it has always been this way. Sorry if facts scare you.

My reasonable response to your statement was an example of how retail isn’t friendly to anyone? That makes no logical sense.

It was a seasonal event dude. Not an LFR from the current expansion.

Oh brother. I gave a response and provided an example to back it up. That’s how adults talk to each other. I don’t lose my temper or “get angry” over pixels in a video game. Sorry, but WOW just isn’t that important to me.

I really don’t care if the mount is in LFR or not. If they were to put it in tomorrow I wouldn’t care. The only reason I responded to you was because you said there was never gatekeeping in this game. That remark is completely false and anyone that plays classic or played the game pre-cata would tell you that. If you want to put your fingers in your ear and march off like a child because someone pointed that out then you have some serious issues.

A big part of it is likely due to how many years post-launch LFR was added to the game. LFR wasn’t added until late Cataclysm IIRC.

Similarly, there’s people who hate on LFD as well, because that wasn’t added until late WotLK.

Basically, there are people with the mindset that nothing should be queueable and that everyone should be forced to manually form or join groups, join guilds, and physically travel to the instances themselves because that’s how it was throughout vanilla and Burning Crusade.

Allowing dungeons and raids to be queueable fundamentally changed certain aspects of the game. Some see it as an improvement regarding accessing content, while some see it as ruining the social aspect of the game.

It’s like how there’s always been people who hate the addition of flying mounts in Burning Crusade because they simply don’t like how it changed the feel of the world and how it affects world PvP.

There’s even people who hate the addition of transmog because they don’t like how that changed the immersion of the game, the showcasing of character feats, and how it affects PvP when people can just transmog over their armor.

It’s just the nature of change. Sometimes you have players who liked things the way they were and they get upset when something they liked was changed or removed.

Wow has been influenced by elitism. When we had sites like elitistjerks.

Ff14 has added counter measures to elitism. Wow has encouraged it from the start with stuff like letting guilds set there own loot and reward structures.


Some people hate LFR because theyre toxic, rude, what ever - you can ignore those people and move on.
other people, including myself, hate LFR because it does nothing in the way of actually providing betterment to the player base for those who do LFR and helping them transition to the higher difficulties if they so choose to make that jump. and it makes it detrimental for guilds who are recruiting, and are left with two choices, LFR raider Johnny, who has quote seen the raids but given how LFR is hasn’t done the true nature of the encounters, or someone who has never stepped into the raids but is also a quick learner.
LFR, in its current state isn’t beneficial to anyone other than its an AFK simulator for a chance at gear weekly. it doesn’t in anyway shape or form provide a healthy leap into higher difficulties of raiding. that is why people hate it, it has made the recruiting pool diluted.

It’s just nerds cannibalizing nerds.

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I save my hate for the devs. I mean it’s obvious FOMO manipulation for token sales. I would not be surprised if there are ‘sanctioned’ gold selling outfits comprised of blizzz employees.

Exactly this, the people that are complaining are the guilds that barely achieve AoTC every tier and the players have a massive chip on their shoulders because they aren’t invited to Mythic raid.

Guilds that actually get to CE don’t have the time or the effort to care about what goes on in LFR/Normal.

If anything we’re happy that its available in LFR so we can just not sub until the entire LFR is released and then pay 1 month to get the entire normal cleared + KSM and be done with the expansion.

Their strategy for gatekeeping it behind normal is the perfect sweet spot, the content is easy enough to just brute force it for a raiding guild and we are forced to raid again for those that actually want the mount.

Most CE guilds were not planning to resub for S4 at all and if they were to gatekeep it behind AoTC I doubt many of us would of even bothered to resub for S4

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Yah. Unfortunately, the dev team the whole time before was full of elitist jerk bag devs who abused woman, and did not care about LFR players, or solo players, or anyone on the casual spectrum. Now it is just elitist jerkbag devs, who don’t give a rip about LFR players, or solo players, or anyone on the casual spectrum of players.

They just don’t abuse woman anymore. Only thing that has changed. And, they are still greedy as all heck.


We sure would, but the elite gatekeepers with their idiotic ilvl requirements and even wanting AOTC for a normal raid group is what is killing this game, and killing it really fast!

So exactly how is a LFR player able to step out of their comfort zone again? With the gatekeeping that goes on, they are essentially not able to do so because the higher end players deny them entry!!!

Its only been getting worse and worse since M+ became a thing!


First of all, there’s no such thing as an AotC mount. The only one that was tied to an achievement of any kind was the wolf, which is the first FOMO Heroic Mode mount they did. The moose was available for weeks after AotC went away, as were the bird, the void dragon, and now Halondrus will be obtainable for as many as five MONTHS after Sepulcher AotC is baleeted.

Secondly, they only ever do these for the last raid of an expansion. So it was, in fact, over a year between the void dragon and the Halondrus mount.

I think there is some difference between Alliance raiding and LFR.

I do see full wipes in LFR but as someone who does Duty roulette for Alliance raid everyday seeing a wipe in Alliance raid is rare.

Whereas in WoW it varies - the harder bosses can and have wiped the whole party before either because of mechanics or a DPS check.

I think a big difference in attitude is also that WoW tends to have a more competitive playerbase and generally that breeds disdain for lower end content. In FFXIV most players tend to be casual so the frustration of difficult content is generally felt in Savage+ content (and boy oh boy there is a lot of toxicity behind the scenes).

I like the idea of LFR. The issue is most times I’ve been in there at least, most play as if they don’t know wtf they are doing

But least I see the groups consistently beat Skolnox. Can’t say the same for the normal groups I join where 9/10 can’t go mechanics right and the group dies

That is just crazy to me. But LFR is fine. It lets you get a general sense of what the bosses do.

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