The great VC or DM debate



Definitely DM, Diremaul was always DMW, DME, DMN, ect.


Do you guys not have phones?


VC came with Wotlk babies or Cata. Any true OG knows Deadmines is DM. If you argue that It has always been VC then you started during an expansion or your memory sucks.


DM. You must specify the part of dire maul you’re running. You can also shift click the player to find out.

Also, Ythisens said on stream he never heard of calling it VC until recently. He always said DM.

That’s what I thought. I never heard VC until I started on pservers from eu players.


If you want to do all 3 wings of Dire Maul you specify that.

That veteran player was just trying to show off that he made it further into the game than you. If he saw someone in Westfall under level 20 lfg DM and thought that was confusing, he was an idiot.


I can honestly say I never once saw DM for anything but Dire Maul and Deadmines was always VC on Bleeding Hollow before BC. The first I ever saw “lfg dm” in Westfall was when I made a new char in Cata.


Wickess Trollbane over here.

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“LFG VC- Need Cookie”

Get these cata babies out of here



Mr. Smite would be appalled at all these land lubbers condescending to name it VC.


DM is Dead Mines.

I don’t recall it being a thing at all to confuse the two. A level 18 isn’t looking for Dire Maul, and a 50 something isn’t looking for Dead Mines.


People would rather complicate a non complicated thing. Logic is hard amirite?

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LFM Dead…cuz only undead can join my group

This. DM is usually suffixed with North, West, etc. DM is just deadmines.

It also depends which zone I’m in. If in westfall it’s deadmines. If I’m in feralas it’s dire maul.


On Feathermoon, it was a little annoying.

For those of us who started playing before Dire Maul came out it was DM. But after it came out, some people started calling it VC because of what they read on the forums and some websites.

Until TBC came out, there was always that schism going on.

lol I never understand that… its just changed because a few people can’t handle logic. All you gotta do is shift click a player to know which one they want… PLUS you don’t ask for Dire Maul without specifying which side you are going to. If you are doing them all I imagine you would say full run which would look odd next to deadmines because why wouldn’t you do a full run of deadmines?

Clearly I only want to go kill Mr. Smite to spite him.

Though thinking about it… would kind have to specify that as a DM Smite run.

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The people who use VC are the same ones who call druids DUDUs. Idk if they like to make different acronyms to feel cool or what their issue is.