'The Great Vault' Quest didn't complete after collecting a reward

I have the same exact problem, opened my great vault early just to get my second BIS legendary power for raiding and it didn’t count. Please Help Blizz.

Anyone got an update from Blizz on if this issue has been flagged by them?

Had the samething happen

I have the same problem! I was in a raid group, made a ticket, and was brushed aside to check wowhead bc blizz is busy right now… I’VE WAITED FOR MAD PARAGON LONG ENOUGH!

Chiming in as well that this just happened to me. Went to the Great Vault, chose an item, the prompt even suggested I would receive the Ancient Insignia, but I did not actually get the Ancient Insignia. This is what makes me think this is a bug, and not a weird interaction with picking up the quest last week and completing it this week.

I submitted a ticket through item problems rather than quest, since the report ticket flow is just a bug report when you go through quest problems (like many have mentioned so far).

Don’t know if this has been resolved yet, but just had it happen to me. I get the feeling there is a detail here that is not really being explained very well.