The Great Shellkhan encounter not startable

The NPC Patient Vaargo seems to be bugged still. The Great Shellkhan is there, not dead, Patient Vaargo is not afraid and standing around fishing, I get the “The Great Shellkhan” announcement when I come into range, I have the box of fish, everything is right. The only weird thing I can find is that when I click on Patient Vaargo and they talk, half of the time it’s an old lady Tuskaar voice and half the time it’s a kid Tuskaar voice. Maybe it doesn’t know what NPC is there some of the time?

**edit; it’s also overlapped with the Great Hunt at the moment, also a potential issue.


I’m having the same exact issue. I went and got the case of fresh gleamfish and made it back with about 13min left. Patient Vaargo has 2 different voices and is not able to be interacted with to progress Rare encounter. Patient Vaargo is fishing on the shore and The Great Shellkhan is alive in the water.

Have the case, cant click on the NPC

same issue with 13 mins to spare

This is still bugged, I’m unable to speak with Patient Vaargo and I have the gleamfish in my inventory

Confirmed still bugged :frowning:

Still bugged…

Still bugged.