The Great Shapeshift

eww the gorey ones with eggs on their backs?

It’s been awhile but I feel like I recall a quest where one of the Dark Rangers asks you to take their spider out to find food?

Oddly enough we DO have battle mages in WoW, they’re part of the 7th Legion and wear plate instead of cloth and use a sword instead of a wand while also casting.

Some are also present in the Blood Elf forces as well notably.



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i always fancied the blood elf guards in eversong with full body shields and glaves to be what a battlemage would look like

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I could totally see the Kirin Tor & Blood Elf Magisters giving Mages some type of martial training to create Battle Mages / Mage Knights, that would be so dope.

Would be super similar to how Priests were given martial training to become Paladins in an attempt to make them less vulnerable to Orc ambushes back in the RTS games.

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okay dark ranger added. see whatcha think

It’s very creative :hugs:

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the one at the bottom is my favorite so far. haha
its rogue ninjas - alliance podlings and horde hozen. both small spear chucking races. if ya got a sec, go look lol its towards the bottom of the op.

I liked all the picture 10/10 for effort I want naga. Before I was a troll beard boi for life I was a huge Naga fan.

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i’ve been keeping tabs on races people wanted to play as but the potions and toys often dont last long enough or are random etc, and the odd body type meant the amount of work involved would be outrageous to make them playable. thats when the idea hit me. give every class 1 shapeshift of an associated odd body type, and tie it to a new spec/ talents. some of those were a great deal of fun. i still dont have pally, dk, dh or warrior on there. working on it.

Nice :+1:
More than meets the eye

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thanks. some of them are hilarious. :grin:

My favorite is Necromancer and Battlemage.

I think Hunter has a lot of possible extensions with Shadowhunters, Wardens, and Dark Rangers.

yeah, the battlemage robes could be plate levels of protection like pallies have, multiply armor class like bear druids. i enjoy ethereals. they are so unique. and which necro didya like, alliance or horde?

This is great, but where’s the Man’ari fit into all of this?

well if ya notice, i didnt give a dk, warrior, paladin or dh, example. and we still have man’ari, vrykul, tuskarr, sethrak, taunka, arrakoa, jinyu, etc, for options.