The Great Shapeshift

I wish Baine looked more like a Yaungol or Taunka. My mans looks like something you pick out of build a bear lmao

taunka and vrykul could be warrior spec shapeshifts for a spec like berserker.

Tauren Scout : “Chieftain Baine! The Alliance has raided our preschools! They kidnapped our young! They are placing them in cages to serve as veal! We must…”

Baine : “We must do nothing. Our preschools are legitimate military targets. Some of the kids drew angry pictures of Horde soldiers being mean to Alliance soldiers.”

lmfao I can somehow picture that. Wonder if they’d have the totem options at the mall too?

The worst part is, I can see them using Baine as a Warchief for peacetime. The new and improved, HorLiance!


You were on the wrong half of the Thanos snap :cry:

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I can’t quote you now :open_mouth: Only reply. What did you do? You pissed someone off lol

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No booping for you :cry:

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ethereal battle mages. could put them in plate skirts like paladins wear.

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+1 for Battle Mages, a mobile hunter-like mage would be neat.

I was so sad when the fire spec for DK’s “leak” got debunked, that woulds been so cool.

okay done. centaurs are up.

Battle Mages are cancelled bro. The Necromancer crowd is next :skull_and_crossbones:

this is making me dizzy. i’m reading along and whole screen moves and your posts evaporate. dk is one that i couldnt figure out a new spec for.

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When the Allied Race Death Knight starting area was in development there were 4 weapons to choose from, three had the unholy/frost/blood color/theme, and then there’s a fourth weapon that was fire themed.

This caused a whole lot of people to speculate that DK’s were gonna get a 4th fire spec which woulda been so wild.

Imagine a DK with a Maw thematic, woulda been metal as hell.

I think in the lore though they use frost magic to preserve their bodies or something so I guess maybe it wouldn’t have made sense :sweat_smile: , the fire might melt them.

I guess Bolvar is special cause of magical dragon fire life stuff.

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hmm interesting.

Whatever is happening made it look like you’re spamming your own thread :sob::sob::sob::joy::joy:

Are there any Battle Mages that exist ingame currently that we could draw inspiration from?

When I think of a Battle Mage I have two seperate concepts in mind.

First would still be a ranged DPS, but with the mobility of a Hunter & Monk/Rogue.

Second would be a “magic infused knight,” kind of like a Paladin or Death Knight

cant think of any. i just know i’ve mage tanked alot using arcane explosion and thought, wouldnt it be cool if i could be an actual tank with this much mobility and taunt ability. cause arcane explosion is aoe, instant cast with no cd, so very mobile.

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Mage is one of my favorite classes too

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i’m working on adding dark ranger shapeshift, for hunters. if alliance, look like nelf or dwarf, if horde, look like belf or forsaken. dunno what kind of pets tho. any suggestions?

While I’m sure there could be other ones I rather liked the bond they seemed to have with those spiders in Hillsbrad if you recall them all over the place paired with them