The Great Masquerade Quest won't complete WoW-SoD

I have done The Great Masquerade on my WoW SoD Character about 5 times now, escorting to the keep, watching the dragons die. For some reason I do not get Completion credit. I have done it solo, and just did it in a raid 3 times. Everyone in the raid except me has gotten credit for completing the quest except me. What am I missing?

Also, I notice that the Reginald still has the Quest Icon above him, even though I am on the Quest (does not say failed, still says Raid).

Have you tried abandoning and picking up the quest? I’m seeing some comments about checking npc status before picking up the quest on wowhead.

Yeah, I have abandoned it. I have left group so it Fails before I abandon it. For some reason even when I am on the quest, he still has the Quest Icon above his head. I am not sure what I am suppose to do. I have even joined groups who were currently escorting while I still had the quest in hopes that might help. I have tried everything to get credit but I can’t.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Alliance Onyxia attunement quest “The Great Masquerade” fails instantly when picking it up