I have done The Great Masquerade on my WoW SoD Character about 5 times now, escorting to the keep, watching the dragons die. For some reason I do not get Completion credit. I have done it solo, and just did it in a raid 3 times. Everyone in the raid except me has gotten credit for completing the quest except me. What am I missing?
Also, I notice that the Reginald still has the Quest Icon above him, even though I am on the Quest (does not say failed, still says Raid).
Yeah, I have abandoned it. I have left group so it Fails before I abandon it. For some reason even when I am on the quest, he still has the Quest Icon above his head. I am not sure what I am suppose to do. I have even joined groups who were currently escorting while I still had the quest in hopes that might help. I have tried everything to get credit but I can’t.