The Great Gnomarathon

Hi all,
FRANTIC is an Alliance guild on Nagrand-Caelestrasz.

We are very active and run events frequently, such as:

  • Thursday Night Raids - 8.30pm Server time - In need of DPS.
  • Regular Mythic Key runs.
  • Mount Runs.
  • Regular Faction Assault groups (Warmode ON)
  • Normal/Heroic and Base Mythic dungeons to help members.
  • Mog & Achievement runs.
  • Other zany events like the one in the title.

Unlike some guilds who are only focused on end game raiding and/or treat WoW as a lifestyle rather than a game, we treat WoW exactly as it is, “A Game”. We don’t care how big your epeen is!

Many guilds also advise they are active and organise events, this may be true in some cases, but we actually do. Our Officer base are always busy in the background arranging fun and zany things for members to participate in.
We do NOT just focus on end game content, we also accommodate for those who have no interest in end game content.

The Great Gnomarathon is a themed event which is coming up mid-April, this is a Biannual Frantic Marathon event we host for members, with the theme changing each time (next time it may be Dwarves, who knows) This is just one example of what Frantic does besides end game content.

We treat the guild as inclusive, and encourage but do not enforce members to get involved, your level of involvement is completely up to you.

If we have your curiosity, then give us a crack, what have you got to lose?

BTAG – Blazing#11416