The Great Draenei Thread!

We find that absolutely disgusting anyway. I don’t think it has ever happened willingly.


Only the best Alliance races are enough for a draenei /hairflip

So only draenei are enough for a draenei then.

us humans are enough for them draenei’s.


Lightforged Draenei

Everyone else

Learn to stay within your station human.

Who leads the light forged?
A Human.

Who leads the alliance?
just gonna let that sink in…

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Pretty much what you’d expect from a bunch of race traitors.

Race traitors?

See previous comments vis a vis the Lightforged scum and their sickening disregard for the laws of nature.


Aren’t you technically the Traitor?

Draenei are by definition perfection. Doing anything that would sully said perfection is an affront to all True Draenei.

Perfection is a myth!

plus you are the wrong race to assume perfection…

elves are…

It’s not, but as one of the lesser races, I can forgive you for not being able to understand that. It’s not your fault, you were just born that way.

So how many planets did you flee from to find azeroth again?

instead of standing up to the legion…?

How many kingdoms did you lost fighting the legion’s attack dogs until we, the draenei defeated the legion?

by we.

you mean the players and not the draenei who were led by a human and a high elf?
but i admit we lost a few kingdoms here an there, least we did not lose a entire planet or Other peoples planets

so all in all, draenei’s are perfect for puns, hearing there weird accents, and best of all, using other races to claim it was there work that did everything.

Just like the Eredar.

The sub-Draenei you mean

Riiight, they literally dedicated there time to fighting the legion instead of dedicating there time hiding from the legion…
not to confuse the each other is the lesson.

We got 4 planets now, we built the greatest weapon of all. Without Varian humans are just lowering their score by the minute.

what planets are you including in this?
because rubble draenor is nothing but floating pieces of rocks, not a planet.