The good ol' days

I can’t be the only one who misses the days of old… the days when furry guilds were bountiful and always recruiting, the days of auctions at the SW harbor, the days when those certain RP guilds were recruiting and everywhere, the days of good old fashioned WPvP like we had in WoD, when we’d see roleplay in the world, when we’d see large roleplay events. Everything went downhill here when all the streamers popped up here and brought their fans with them during that project whatever nonsense.

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Personally, I just miss when Moonguard was not the only real option for an rp server. (No offense to yall.)


I actually miss all the guilds recruiting with their banners dropped in the cathedral square (why this spot anyway? lol) it was fun to wander around and talk to the various guilds there as a collective - where did you all go? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


As someone who used to be one of the good ol’ recruiters in the Cathedral, personally, guilds come and go. Not many make it past a 2 year mark. And if they do, they become close knit and recruit only so often and not much publicly. Again personally, I got tired of being a GL. My creativity for creating events and storylines just… died. A bad case of burnout if you will. Still burnt out on making storylines to this day (3+ years now)!

As for the Cathedral itself, it was just known as the “public ad”. You wouldn’t see many people recruit anywhere else and we all knew that corner of SW was where you go, unsaid public agreement I presume.


I love it on MG now more than ever. The gatekeeping isn’t as severe. Seeing new generations of roleplayers is lovely. It’s also just as busy (if not busier!) than I remember. Still tons of events happening around SW. I see guilds recruiting often. I think it was Kingdom of Gilneas that held a massive guild recruitment fair in SW a while back.