The Goldenisms of Warcraft: Sylvanas

Anduin sitting there the whole time listening to Sylvanas drone on and not needing to pee is the real Gary Stu of it all.


Clearly, Anduin’s armor has built in Gnome fusion technology to deal with any disposal issues :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would love to someday get a full record of who pushed for which of these story beats and where they were planning to go with them. I’m pretty sure the theory that it was Kosak was just based on his perceived favoritism toward Sylvanas and not on any statements made by the team. Unless there are quotes I don’t know about?

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If there are quotes, I don’t know about them. I used the word rumor intentionally cause as far as I know it is a rumor.

There was also a rumor that Vol’jin wasn’t supposed to die but become lost on the battlefield. If that was the case them someone changed something somewhere.

A “Tell All” Anthology where each Dev gets a section to explain what they were thinking and what could have been, would be interesting. Focused more on Story Boarding and discussion of what to do or not do as opposed to salacious slandering.


Honestly, I’d take a little salacious slander too, if it would shed light on the situation!

But I don’t think Kosak had anything to do with the writing of Sylvanas in BfA/SL. As you say, the last bit of her story he touched probably came sometime in Legion.

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Sylvanas becoming Warchief seems to come from Afrasiabi. The Legion alpha had lines from Vol’jin after the Broken Shore about leaving to find someone who could help with the Legion threat, possibly in Zandalar. Kosak also responded to someone’s tweet during that time asking about Vol’jin, telling them that Vol’jin would absolutely have a major part to play and as Warchief wasn’t going to be pushed out of the story. Sylvanas becoming Warchief definitely wasn’t planned until Legion beta.


Something to point out: Sylvanas destroys the Helm of Domination a few hours after Saurfang’s death. This means that Shadows Rising takes place in the timespan of a couple hours.

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More absurdly this means that all of 8.3 takes place in the span of a couple hours. Her Saurfang duel was before all of that stuff happened.


Honestly, the thought of Sylvanas just trudging through Northrend like a seething, spoiled teenager while everyone fights an Old God is just too funny to me. (In a stupid way)

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I think it’s brought about by Llewelyn-esque neo-paganism. To ride a silverbroom by moonslight.

It’s all very poetic.


You mean pretentious.


Afrasiabi’s taint touched a lot in Legion. In addition to “Warcheif Sylvanas”, do you think he had anything to do with Elisande’s story? Or Illidan’s? Or Ysera’s death?

He probably didn’t have anything to do with Elisande. Illidan was Metzen, he said in interviews years before Legion that he thought his treatment in TBC was a mistake and wanted to bring him back. Ysera was probably Afrasiabi.

I really doubt any of us would be very good at picking out Afrasiabi taint because a lot of it is probably our favorite stuff, and we dont want to think that a scumbag like that made better stuff than someone more acceptable.


Also doesn’t help that due to his position he essentially had his hand in every decision at least at a high level.


Might not be the best place for it but I’m not sure it warrants a thread on it’s own;
Nathanos meeting Sylvanas during the Second War now means that he would have around a dozen years to become both the First Human Ranger Lord of Quel’Thalas and a well respected Alliance Tactician, both to satisfy the vanilla quest to go kill him.
This seems kind of fast to me.

If you dont make your mark on 12 years as a human, you should find another career.

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I tell this exact thing to every twelve year old I meet. No career yet? What are you even doing in your life?!? Might as well give it all up now and accept your inadequecies as a human being.

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Yes let’s use current world language and talk about cars instead of horses. Lots of people name people after family lol. Like you try really hard to be a whine a$$

What are you whining about?

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