The Goldenisms of Warcraft: Sylvanas

oh my bad, can be hard to tell through text

You dare go against the hive-mind of negativity!?


See guys? This is why I don’t let you see my true feelings!! Oh my gosh, I spend all day pretending to be mad about things like “this story makes no freaking sense”, “Elune couldn’t foresee the night elf souls going into the Maw, but can foresee Sylvanas rescuing them from the Maw, that is a massive logic hole”, “Sylvanas’s whole motivation revolving about the unfairness of the afterlife is a big hypocrisy when she’s sending hundreds of thousands of people to that very fate on the mere possibility that they can fix it later, what’s up with that”, but really?? Honest to god really and truly and 1,009% truth?

I just want us all to be happy!!


Doesn’t she describe Vereesa as human at some point which strikes me as a solid case of goldenism

Like there’s an actual adjective form of elf, it’s elven (elfin if you don’t want the version popularized by Tolkien)

I always wondered about that. He seemed to react to their fighting with sad faces. But Sylvanas didn’t acknowledge him.

If he was a shade, I wonder if Sylvanas knew he was there. Maybe she let him hang out instead of ushering him to the afterlife… which was cruel anyway and might give Zovaal a bargaining chip?

Or was it just like some dramatic artsy thing, and he has long since moved into the Shadowlands?

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I think it’s entirely possible they had not yet come up with Shadowlands when the comic was scripted.

There is a part where Nathanos mentions Elves humanity, which is kinda odd.

Probably this. There’s a chapter where Sylvanas goes around the Ghostlands hoping to find his ghost and is unable to do so.


I consider it par for the course for Golden. It seems to be the only way she thinks people can find fantasy non-humans relatable which is, frankly, silly especially when her actual humans are this cringe master race.


After reading the Sylvanas novel, I’m even more annoyed at how terribly they handled her character through Legion and BFA. I mean, seriously, make up your minds about whether she’s meant to be a loyal leader or a villainous traitor.

The book basically helps retcon the post-Wrath short story where Sylvanas feels compelled to serve the Forsaken, and especially by constantly giving false narrative and weak apologies for LITERAL genocides that took place. Oh, she nuked Gilneas with plague? Well, it’s all better because she felt bad and was somehow resisting Garrosh? Oh, she nuked Teldrassil with fire? Well, it was all because she felt super emo about missing her dead parents (so she’s Batman?), therefore all’s good.

And a LITERAL laugh out loud moment when Sylvanas is trying to connect and get empathy from Anduin because he apparently sorta looks like her long lost dead brother, and then acts shocked he would throw, ya know, GENOCIDE back in her face. Doesn’t he understand how terrible and hard it was to do all those evil nasty things?!

Also, basically, the explanation is that Sylvanas, the Ranger General, is a complete moron who buys the whole “See, people don’t get reunited with loved ones, so BURN IT ALL DOWN AND DESTROY ALL OF LIFE AND DEATH, YO!” argument from the Jailer. Who, ya know, happens to be covered in the same death runes and Domination as the original Lich King, and ya know, MIGHT HAVE TOTALLY ENGINEERED Arthas destroying Silvermoon and kiiling her?

It’s just pants on head crazy stupid writing. It’s further insulting to take a potentially strong female character and just constantly find reasons why it’s not HER fault or responsibility. How about a VILLAIN who actually has rationale and reasons for their evil, and accepts it? It would be a welcome change from the constant apologists and Blizzard writing themselves into an absolutely wretched corner by forcing the lame Alliance/Horde conflict that ended up even more of a red herring at the end of BFA.

I’m also seriously annoyed that once they do her quasi-trial and apparently Tyrande has decided that losing a ton of her crispy NE buddies was okay, and they banish Sylvanas to the Maw, apparently that’s an excuse for ANDUIN to end up there with her as well?! Seriously, is this another freaking excuse that because Horde lost a leader (THROUGH BLIZZARD’S OWN TERRIBLE WRITING DECISIONS), the Alliance has to lose another flipping King (ya know, after watching him be tortured and manipulated all expansion)???

Just seriously, I’ve liked Golden’s work in other genres and enjoyed her other novels, but this one was absolute rubbish trying to polish up a steaming pile of mess.


Enough about women’s rights, let’s talk about women’s wrongs

Tbh I thought it was pretty groundbreaking that they had a female character be an emotionally compromised lunatic who murders the world because a powerful man told her she wasn’t crazy.

I thought she was a bit too composed competent leader who’d become the accidental founding mother of not just a new nation but basically a new species. Had some emotional baggage that she was pointedly busying herself to not address but Hi welcome to the Undercity. Everybody’s living an impossible existential crisis and nobody came up with non militaristic support groups until Voss turned up. So, folks are a bit on edge.

But thats such a 2004 tier lady character. This is the learned year of 2022. Where a calculating and ruthless tactician is now a shrieking maniac who would burn it all if it meant she could just see her brother and father one last time.



Looked to see if this had been posted here yet, didnt see it, sorry if I missed it.

But it does a great job of summing up how I feel about Sylvanas in general atm, and the story. Which a lot has to do with Golden and her love of Anduin/Arthas over Syl.


George RR Martin had the Starks do it as each of the new generation was named after someone.

Robb (King Robert)
Jon Snow (Jon Arryn)
Sansa (Sansa Leeford, Catelyn’s Grandmother)
Bran (Brandon Stark, Ned’s Deceased Brother)
Arya (Arya Flint, Ned’s Grandmother)
Rickon (Rickard Stark, Ned’s Father)

It isn’t lazy character naming but showing a family’s sense of Familial Pride in their previous generations. It usually is done to honor the previous family member as well as to inspire the new family member as they are growing up.


It’s because multiple writers with different ideas about where they wanted the character to go were writing her at various times during those expansions.

That’s also just a common naming tradition. I have my grandfather’s name as a middle name. And I know a lot of people from a pretty disparate cultural sampling with similar naming traditions.

“Eh I’ll name my kid after my grandparent/Parent” just seems like something people do. It’s probably one of the first names you learned of, and ya gotta call the baby something.

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To be fair—in Martin’s case it’s worldbuilding, and drawing similarities to real medieval Europe. Elf society in Azeroth has never been established to make a practice of naming children after ancestors.

It seems like it would be an inconvenient practice for a long-lived species, as the original is likely to live alongside the namesake child for a very long time, requiring others to always specify which of the two they mean when talking about them. And when the Night Elves were immortal, I can’t imagine they’d want to do it at all, for the same reason, which means that a tradition of naming elves after relatives would not have had much time to develop, relatively speaking.

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Kosak was the first one rumored to have Sylvanas as his “Waifu” before Danuser and Kosak left right after Legion launched to join the Hearthstone team. I remember the rumor he had Vol’jin killed to make Sylvanas Warchief as some of his last story decisions.

Stormheim is likely when his influence ended.


I agree it doesn’t suit the Elves that much, but I don’t think it is lazy character naming anytime it is used.


And given how there are Jr’s and IIIs etc etc. I don’t think the parent/relative still being alive is an issue.

My irl middle name is from my Dad.

My sister shares a name with my grandma.

Several of my family members share names with other relatives.

Elves are very vain and affectionate. Why wouldn’t they name children after themselves and their partners?

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I think J.K. Rowling just broke everyone’s brains when she ended harry potter by having all of the kids named, basically, Thrall Jaina Wrynn and Khadgar Medivh Proudmoore.

We need a few more decades to recover. Until then, nobody is allowed to name their kids anything referential.