The "Goblin Druid" argument

Slightly annoyed that Ion brought up this particular case as an excuse not to have more druid races.

I’m sure there’s something about mechanical forms, but it’s also like even he forgot that the gilbins exist…

He didn’t use it as an excuse not to add more druid races, he used as an explanation for why getting druids-for-all-races would come later than the other classes. Everyone will be able to become druid, eventually.

Not sure what this post is about?

Since Blizzard wants every race to have unique druid forms (and paladin mounts and shaman totems), it will take longer for those classes to be available to every race. They have to brainstorm ideas, draw them, do computer modeling, and then apply the finishing details. That takes time.

Meh, getting more races to add to classes can be kind of neat. Granted, with all the balance/tuning issues that are going on recently, I think time can be better spent elsewhere.

I mean we already have some races with unique underwater forms and travel forms and moonkin forms and some do not. They are already inconsistent.

I’m surprised they don’t just give all the new druid races the same non-race-specific generic forms and call it a day.

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So troll/worgen moonkin form (with a different coloration, night elf cat form (without the long ears), tauren bear form (without the horns) and some new color variation on tauren/night elf flight form? That could work as placeholder.