The Glad Mount is being gatekept behind 3s Rating and it's not fair

Games or rounds…?

Big difference

Oh stop the BS, you clearly did all of those things to win matches or you wouldn’t be 2600.

You’re so full of it.

I don’t give a solitary :poop: what you consider skill based or not, I ONLY care about population numbers.

There are MORE people who play Shuffle than 3s, therefore Shuffle should have priority over 3s.

It’s simple math, no one gives af about your 3s rating.

Probably not that long, unless dampening hit 50% at the 5 min mark. If that happened they’d never find 6 suckers to heal it.

Rounds, should’ve made that more clear haha.

sure buddy tell me how i play the game :slight_smile: i usually fluctuate between like 2.3 and 2.6 in shuffle cause i just zug zug for fun.

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If anything that shows how braindead Assa and people who play it are, it’s funny you got Glad during the two most botted/RMT/inflated seasons of SL but quit during the final season that actually had any merit.

Now I know why you’re mad, I called out SL Glad mount players who die in the open doing dumb stuff and like clockwork you appear with your fried takes.

I could see that… depending on class. That is roughly 100 games? Ive gone from 1500 to 2200 within seven games then back again in another seven.

Rating is a coaster ride at a certain benchmarks if you are not a burst class.

one thing is for sure, ppl need to stop saying “gatekeep/gatekept” as if youre entitled to anything… since, well, you arent.

the whole point of glad was that its a certain small percentage of players. in a certain environment. where the game is balanced around.

and shuffle is not that. apples/oranges.

youre asking for that which you’ve not earned. queue up 3’s like the rest of us mate, its not a big deal. the sky wont fall if you jump into some proper arena. you cannot just click your mouse once or twice and have everything ezmode. some things in life require effort. get rekt, kid.


youre argument is just bad so now youre trying to attack/insult lol.

i played during the final season, peaked 2176 which felt pretty good considering how deflated it was. im not mad at all bro, im just telling you, the playerbase does not deserve gladiator in RSS, ask for a legend mount instead.

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You seem to call a lot of people out while hiding behind a level 60 alt on the forums…

It’s more easily accessible, but that doesn’t mean it’s better or requires more skill to obtain the same level of rating. I believe the majority of the playerbase would actually agree that it’s MUCH easier to obtain rating in solo shuffle. In this current iteration RSS rating carries absolutely no weight within the community.

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We can’t because most funtional adults with brain cells quit this trash game years ago, the fact that you have people who regularly queue into a deflated bracket and all have the same schedule puts you amongst the smallest percentage of neckbeards in the game.

If people can’t even begin to EARN a 3s rating because LFG is dead and they can’t find teams then that means Glad means NOTHING.

It should belong to the MOST played bracket, RSS.

They do, make it so people who get 3.2k+ and 100 wins get it, 3s is dead.

This doesn’t matter.

More people play it therefore it should get glad, why should Blizzard continue to support a dead game mode?

“Hey NFL a lot more people play at all levels of college football…can you just give them all superbowl rings if they have a winning season? Thanks!”

How ridiculous does that sound to you?


theres not even a 3k achievement in game for any rated pvp why would they suddenly add a 3.2 requirement???

well, the chief answer to your various silly notions is this; because your opinion doesnt really matter much.

if YOU think 3v3 is dead, fine, but its not, its merely deflated relative to shuffle and thats partly cuz shuffle is new. things will smooth out a bit, probly. so relax there my guy, keep fighting the good fight and someday youll get that glad title that you seem to be positively salivating over.

You’re comparing the NFL to a dying game mode with an eSports scene that pays a McDonalds wage where the pro players have to sell RMT boosts to afford rent, it’s ridicilous because it’s not even close to the same thing.


All i’m saying is MORE people play Shuffle, it deserves Glad.

To account for inflation, i’m sure people will hit 4k by end of season.

LOL this dude is on some massive cope.

It’s dead af.

More people play college football, don’t they all deserve superbowl rings too for having a winning season? I mean it’s only fair, they put in effort too!


I’m lost, what are you trying to compare these things for? They’re not even close.

There should be. :dracthyr_love_animated: Maybe have it give a char specific emote or something.

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It’s literally the same argument you’re attempting to put forth.

Getting gladiator through the current 3v3 is difficult and is restricted to higher skill level players, you want to change this and lower the difficulty to achieve immensely by giving RSS the same gladiator mount.

Winning the superbowl is incredibly difficult to achieve and only one NFL team wins it per season and it requires an immense amount of skill to do so. I want to change it this and lower the difficulty to achieve by making it so all you need to do is have a winning season in college football.

If you believe my argument is absolutely ridiculous (which it is) then you must also agree that your argument is absolutely ridiculous (which it is).


i think blizz said they inflated RSS mmr to help promote the game mode? have to dig it up tho, so idk if we will see the rest of the expac where everyone gets these insanely high ratings.

Like bro i legit went 18-0 first week of the season and was 1900 from 3 shuffle queues, how does that deserve any rewards? going 18-0 in 3s would put you at like 1600 cause the 96 points per win starts to taper off.