The Gilnean Heritage Armor questline is so... middling

Hmm. The feral Bloodfang could be close enough to the Ghostlands during Midnight. Maybe it’ll happen to the blood elves. :8ball::robot:

Although it is strange the Orc and Tauren worshippers of Goldrinn/Lo’gosh haven’t chased this powerful form. yet. :hourglass_flowing_sand::wolf:


Technically, you need the Scythe of Elune to turn the Pack Form into the Worgen, and since virtually any druid had access to said weapon of mass destruction (Thanks Elune), it is plausible.

Again, it’s Blizzards horrendous writing that the Worgen are in this permanent downward spiral.

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You shouldn’t diss Tess, the Rogues really won’t like it!

When someone makes a post that I not only agree with, but love the way they phrased it.
:dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_love_animated:

Warcraft itself might be ending soon. Well depending on what Microsoft has plans for the future. Could Tess become a worgen, sure or maybe the Warcraft franchise will end before that and the worgen curse(like many other darker powers) will be consigned to “only touch in case of emergency” and the current worgen population diess out/replaced with regular humans offsprings.

No, gnomes have it worse. I can admit that. We aren’t far from them though.


It does. I also can’t believe how badly they have sat Ivar out of everything. Especially since the heritage armor should have included some Pack mogs from his faction.

In a pool of crap, this was definitely one of the most obvious turds.

The only reason to buy Blizzard was Warcraft. It has dominated the company for over a decade now, ever since D3 fell flat their releases have been pretty mid. They won’t end it without a direct replacement for the people sending them money every month.


If I recall correctly, it is the smelliest since Tess wants Gilneas to be an open city like Dalaran and eventually allow the Horde into a restored Gilneas.


The hatred of AM is a candle to my ire’s inferno.

It is a serious abandonment of the story driven faction conflict. I agree with allowing players to play with each other, but don’t Disney the Warcraft story. The worgen/forsaken conflict was so good. Right up there with orc/human. :dracthyr_cry_animated: Add to this they overtly and explicitly made the Scarlet Crusade the enemy of Gil’neas, when there could… SHOULD have been a very inconvenient (for everyone else) alliance.

They should undo this crap by saying this event was a long con on the Forsaken and Horde, to lure them into complacence.

The real tragedy is that the Worgen would’ve taken the mantle of the Scarlet Crusade, since their main contention is the Undead, Scourge or otherwise, so it would make sense for them to adopt the zeal the Crusade once had.

On top of that, you could’ve also added the Night Elves to it also, since the Forsaken really, really scarred their people for life.

But nah, consequences are for adults. Hugs and kisses for everyone unless you’re a Worgen or Gnome.


People signed up to play Werewolves, not British people.