The Gift of Silver

After receiving this quest and choosing “What is this gift from Tyr?” The animations start, all 33 go to humanoid form and start talking about it, then i get disconnected, sometimes i see a little white/blue box(missing texture?" for a split second and constantly disconnect any time i log back in, the only resolution was to quickly abandon the quest upon reconnecting (less than 5 seconds until disconnected again)


Also having the same issue, had to reconnect about 20 times each time running further from the tower so i could stay connected

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Same, had to abandon quest as well. replying to hopefully bump and have more traction on this bug

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bumping again

Bumping, just happened to me as well. Abandoned quest and was able to stay logged in.

Same. You just get DC’d instantly as she starts talking and stay in a DC loop until you reach the portal to get off the top of the tower or abandon quest in the 3 seconds you are logged in. I’m afraid to pick up the quest again now.

EDIT: I have taken the quest again and it DC’s at the exact moment she puts it on the ground. You cannot collect it. You just get DC’d.

yea same, immediate disconnect

Same happened to me right now, insta DC after she puts the gift down, had to abandon to stop the DC loop.

Same is happening to me. It kicks me quicker than I can even get into the quest log. click the quest, click abandon, and confirm the abandon.

I tried jumping off the tower and got disconnected 4 or more times before i spattered the ground. I’ll try running away further if that gives me more time to abandon before the stupid quest texture tries to load or whatever it is.

Same here. Just happened to me as well. Finally deleted the quest and was able to stay online then.

Bumping again, but this time I’m not being disconnected. I simply click on “What is this gift from Tyr?” and nothing happens. I’ve /reloaded, I’ve restarted the game. Nothing changes.

I get the quest The Gift of Silver, and nothing happen when i click to talk with Alexstrasza :confused:


I had the quest on my alt and there is nothing to do. I abandoned and now I cannot pick it up again. She is not even available for me to speak to at all.

I had to complete the quest to open the raid then she showed up

Bump…Doing this on my Druid, and don’t get DC, but Alexst not showing in any form, and it shows the icon for Gift of Silver quest should be there available. At one point a couple of days ago, I finished a quest and it looked like she just flew off before I could click on her to get the next quest. I’ve been checking back and she’s not returning.

Same issue Alex shows she spoke and the silver scale appears but no action is available to complete the quest.

I just abandoned and picked back up, worked for me.