The "gameplay" loop

Blizzard “First you need to grind for gear, so then you can gear for gear…THEN YOU CAN GEAR FOR GEAR!”

Me “So what is the fun part?”

I mean really at some point I want to do something other then grind for gear. Why did wow turn in to diablo? MMO need to have an end point a goal that can be reached. I have never really cared for wows gearing end content, but back in the day all I had to do was raid once a week and after that I can pvp. Now the game is just all about the grind so the grind never ends. Was the old grind long? Yes but the grind left me with a lot of room to enjoy the parts of the game I liked. There are few parts of the game that are even balanced. That is M+ and some times arenas “sometimes?” but even there the meta’s are ever so real on the upper side of things. Time is only thing that blizzard do as content but even if blizz fixed it so gear was able to reach in a timely way people find there is nothing left to do. Pve’ers only want to do pve and after that they get lost with what to do in the game. Normal players get gear then go do pvp, you know play the whole game because the game does not end at the least boss there is a World out there to enjoy. Well that would be if world content was a thing. The game should push you to raid and go do things that are not in the main world but the game needs things that are not just chores to do in the world. Open war in the world content now that servers layering is a thing? NAH just content that will be boring in a day. So in short this is the game that pve’ers have been dreaming of everything you want. You want a longer pve game you got it. You did not want for pvp’ers to get good gear, POOF no more vendors! You want the whole game made for you but some how still hate it, don’t worry the next xpac will be a repeat of came out with this one.


It’s not really an “MMORPG” anymore. It’s an MMOARPG, with all kinds of “systems” and loot as befits an ARPG. This is what happens when a bunch of the Diablo guys go over to the WoW side.


It stinks tbh.


Are you sure that wasn’t you?

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What open world content are you wanting? Specifically?

Since quests, dailies aren’t doing it. I am genuinely curious what open world content you are wishing WoW had.


Yeah the classic MMORPG experience is heavily P2P driven but Blizzard appears to be extremely scared of doing anything like that.

It’s really not hard to make either. You put rewards where it’ll incentivize P2P. That means open world content with really good endgame rewards. To drive people to go out there and interact with each other. The PvE should be the reward, not the challenge. The challenge should be interacting with others.

I would keep all the e-sports instanced though for the good of that content. It needs to be instanced so people can race side by side. That would be the only instanced content though. Maybe just the mage tower esque content would be instanced. For the people who want that sort of thing.

For everyone else it’d be enormous, sprawling open world dungeons with rares and elites to hunt for while competing with others from different factions (yes more than two). The danger and wonder of the world would be back in force.

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So this is a PvP Vendor rant?

Could have just added your 2 cents to the many other threads my friend.

I miss vendors too, it took my game away when they got retired, go read the many Shadowlands wish list threads, all of them will have PvP vendors on that list.

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I’m confused… what’s the problem exactly?

Catch up gear?

puts hand over mouth with the pink finger extended only reversed I have no idea what you mean.


That is called “life”.

I prefer the game to give me a challenge I can’t accomplish through a glorified chatroom.

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Yeah because people don’t play games to be social, right? It’s only the most popular form of gaming in the world for a reason. :grinning:

That’s what the instanced content race is for. All your power gains would be in the world with everyone else.

So let me get this straight.

Gear rewards should be based on chatting with people?


Daily quest last all of a week in terms of fun and reward. No joke I would love to see blizz push us to go to war. Go take a zone or a point it sounds simple but would last longer do to it being fun. AV lasted 3 xpacs being one of the best froms of end game and on the third xpac they did winter grasp. It might not have be perfect on the servers that had bad pop balance but shards fix that now. Pve can only last so long and you can only inflate the game with it. If you look at were we started this xpac at when you hit max level you are at least 400% stronger just in hp but in damage/healing out put so much stronger.

So this is entirely about open world pvp?

Wow only has 5 mill subs now down from 12.

Yes. It should be a process of getting up to speed while interacting with others. That’s the spirit of the MMORPG.

If it were something else it’d be an ARPG but it’s an MMORPG or at least it’s supposed to be, eh?

This is starting to sound a lot like, “World PvP should grant endgame gear rewards.”

Not that it necessarily is, but the Spidey-senses are a-tingling.

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That is your spirit of MMORPGs.

I never remember that actually being a facet of MMORPGs. Ever.


It wasn’t like this for older WoW. It wasn’t like this in EverQuest.

Can you give me an example of an MMORPG that chatting was the primary way of getting end game rewards?

Me: :thinking:

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In a way but where do you see the game ending at? Why do you go get power? Why do have a world? If the “long” form game play is to inflate the game with cores then the game ends at the raid and the world is lost. If the point to get power is to take a zone the world change due to your power. Pvpve should be the highest from of game play for this game. Something that takes both side and makes it fun.

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