The game only caters to bots now

Title says it all. Everything is specifically designed around bots. You can mine from your mounts and mining is instant. Trying to catch a player is a game of tag and its really annoying. Everybody is flagged for pvp but nobody wants to be attacked and can make themselves unreachable. why? Why is this even a thing? Because Blizzard makes more money on bots than they do from people actually playing the game. All you see is automated multi-boxers in the cave anymore. Every mount has passengers, and nobody is at the wheel. LFR is dead, chats dead, bg’s are boring as sin… This game needs new content really bad. As a subscriber service, the content should be virtually endless yet there is less to do than a free to play moba. No wonder everyone has left.


For me, world pvp died for two reasons:

  1. All the excessive buffs from repeatable quests, potions, and whatever else I can’t think of made it hard to know if you just lost the fight to a more skilled player or someone who out-buffed you.

  2. Stealthers: There are only so many times I can handle getting smacked by an invisible hunter or two as soon as I engage in pvp or pve. Same goes for assassins and druids. When will gaming companies realize open world pvp and stealther classes that have no downsides to stealth will make world pvp unfun and eventually kill it off.

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I don’t think its stealth that killed world pvp. People grouping into solo players killed world pvp. You can’t world pvp without getting destroyed by 5 man groups or even raid groups. The games just not healthy enough population wise to support group world pvp anymore. until they can get people back in the game, they really need to make a group cap of duo players. No more than 2 players per group if you’re flagged in open world.

The power of a 5 man group when there is nobody to group with is too powerful right now. I can spam chat looking for help and get zero response for hours on in. I make groups in custom games all the time and if there is no sparks quest in the zone I’m playing, nobody joins. The games completely dead. I have 1 real life friend to play with and he doesn’t like arena so I’m stuck playing boring bg’s or world pvp with him. He’s more casual than I am and hates arena. That doesn’t leave much…

I don’t think this is true because you can avoid bigger groups in this game thanks to mounts all generally having the same speed.

But stealth?

Yea, good luck trying to avoid that cause you can’t see the player. You just have to assume one will always be there.

Stealth needs more downsides. These games need to stop catering to that awful playstyle that is hard to balance around.

Not being able to stop someone from mounting without hard CC is so miserable.
Fighting alliance as horde sucks. Like 75% of alliance players are NE and just shadowmeld > mount if they are losing a fight.

Other than that, I’m pretty happy with the wpvp we’ve had this expansion.
Carry humanoid tracking food and just whirling surge people out of the sky.


It’s the sharding. For example, if there’s a five-man party camping the Ruby Life Pools platform, good luck drumming up any support to counter them. Everybody’s too split up. Nobody uses LFG and call-to-arms in /general get ignored.

Same thing with crates where it’s usually one faction or the other. No challenge because the sharding is fooked up.

Its not just bots but actual cheaters. I am seeing more and more players with exploits on. I meet an Dk with 476, gear (Hell - blood tokens) and a MM hunter, with some pieces of it. I am in 4 piece Conquest two piece (purple version of Hell gear so 493. DK takes zero damage. With a double rapid fire, and zero damage before he puts up anti-magic shield. Strangles me and hits me with 190K Obliterate… I mean I am at 30% Vers standing. This is either not intended or an exploit. If it is intended and yes I reported. But come on Blizz we deserve better than this. FYI _ the Hunter had to immediate Turtle just to survive. Dk casually farmed me, I tried in BM thinking it was just anti magic shield nope. Even tried using stampede to see if they could damage. NOPE… no damage is a hack!