The game isnt only for mythic raiders, their opinion isnt more valuable

This is exactly why flying still exists, yes.


Oh drop the act. Making covenants difficult to switch back to is not an “RPG element”. That’s just something you lot are parroting since Blizzard said it.

If they really wanted to lean on the RPG side of things, then the Covenants should be desperate for our aid since we’re the only ones who can go into the Maw and fix the anima problem. They don’t get to be choosy beggars when their only other option is to completely fade from existence.




Fair enough.

I’d be fine with covenants being swappable if us loyalists at least got something out of it. Maybe a feat of strength and a special themed reward at the end of the expansion.

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yes, you pick your class and your spec.

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Have you seen the current expansion? Worst case could mean that you’d be doing 90k compared to the guy doing 180k.

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something not of your choice, thankfully covenants in case you didnt realize are a CHOICE

Also not gonna bother repeating myself, I replied to your linking of my old posts in a previous thread, you refuse to accept reality and context and kept repeating the same thing so dont expect me to bother replyint to you again

Also you do realizing hiding your profile doesnt stop people from finding it an ignoring you right? xD

It’s really funny that you don’t accept reality that the covenants as they are will not last.

180k Single target? I dont raid thats why im asking. I mean you see big numbers like 300k+ in m+ big trash pulls with CD’s. I havent seen 180k ST yet. then again I dont do high keys either.

Wait, what? I dunno what’s wrong with your game, but I was able to choose my class when I created my character. Not to mention, I can create a new character with a different class very easily and it doesn’t prevent me from playing my old character at all.


Several times this expansion, one single trait or corruption made a huge difference in terms of DPS. Others had double digit DPS increase - as in it had almost no effect whatsoever.


on any other given topic i might agree. but this happens every expac. and blizz ignores the feedback every expac. and then way, way more people are mad at that point. azerite, legendaries, artifact weapons. and we get to have the same discussion every expac, with the same white knightish arguments every expac.

its the same thing, obvious flaws that are impossible to balance and limit player agency.


The thing is, even though wannabe elitists like to pretend everyone is on their sides, these threads repeatedly show there’s a huge support for them to be locked as well.

So i have rly strong doubts about “persistent feedback” when half the playerbase loves covenants

making your character and picking your class wasn’t “of your choice?”

must be playing different games, i definitely picked all my classes

Yes basicly the lore actually makes more sense if all covenants would support you.

You are the maw-walker basicly a living legends and are the one to fix all their problems. Being sassy about helping other covenants is not productive for them in any way.

Why don’t we just burn them all already and join the maw?
Just considering my option.

The forced lock are just there to impede people fun and because Ion got something agaisn’t people switching between bosses. Even if they already do with talents, gear, classes, etc.

Imagine if you would be locked in your azerith traits how more fun that would be? Well that’s covenants for you.

Imagine if Blizzard added more cds on the gcd with covenants that’s gonna be fun. Unholy dks have about 15 secs opener with atleast 7-9 cds on the gcds with all the new Shadowland stuff. That’s not fun.

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bro that’s all you see because you ignore everyone who disagrees with you. and i don’t just mean you don’t pay attention to them

like you literally put them on your ignore list.


You are a hoot.


This is hilarious coming from a wannabe elitist.


I’m all for RPG elements back in the game, but people said this exact same thing about those who were upset about flying.

How did that one turn out again?


The system will create a similar system to azerite armor.

The cost of changing traits going up each time deters people from changing.

So instead of trying out different playstyles and loadouts most just looked at the lists to see what sims higher and go with that.

The only cost to changing this was increasing gold.

With covenants it will be more that gold, time.

People value their time, I imagine many prefer not to waste it. I’d wager a fair amount of people will just pick the ‘best’ simmed option.

Pointless hurdles and locking people in doeoesnt make the choice ‘meaningful’ it just pushes many peoe to just grab whatever does the ‘most’ and give it little more thought than that.