The game is too Elf-Centric

They really dropped the ball with Brown orcs not being able to be Palls. They could have made this happen and even I would have switched over. But I am happy with new troll. I also like your ideas also.

I think we’ve had just the right amount of elves. Putting elf customization in the game that’s existed in lore for a long time is fine with me. Silvermoon needs some attention and hasn’t had any since BC.

But I heartily agree that we need focuses on races that aren’t elves, aren’t orcs, and aren’t humans in the next expansion.

We need more Goblins.

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I want to see more of Jevan Grimtotem.

Blizz, please give me a Tinker class so I can stomp elves!

Please! It’s my one wish… :tired_face:

The Dwarves are the key to Azeroth’s survival. And you’d think the Devs would take the easy storyline.

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It’s worse when you consider the one Forsaken soul in Bastion is still somehow in Forsaken corpse form…


Exactly as a forsaken it’s like you’re trapped that way forever

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The problem is that it’s focusing on the wrong elves; Sylvanas and Tyrande.

What we really need? Thalyssra and Lor’themar. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Technically all elves are trolls and this game is crawling with trolls



Elfs, but not Nelfs lore (except Illidan), makes a difference in good WoW lore, really together with orcs, we are the saviors of Azeorth.

This leak in particular I think is fake.

But I said the same about void elves, so.

Would be cool if they would redo their model a bit. They still use the old vanilla graphic and same boring bikini piece