They really dropped the ball with Brown orcs not being able to be Palls. They could have made this happen and even I would have switched over. But I am happy with new troll. I also like your ideas also.
I think we’ve had just the right amount of elves. Putting elf customization in the game that’s existed in lore for a long time is fine with me. Silvermoon needs some attention and hasn’t had any since BC.
But I heartily agree that we need focuses on races that aren’t elves, aren’t orcs, and aren’t humans in the next expansion.
We need more Goblins.
I want to see more of Jevan Grimtotem.
Blizz, please give me a Tinker class so I can stomp elves!
Please! It’s my one wish…
The Dwarves are the key to Azeroth’s survival. And you’d think the Devs would take the easy storyline.
It’s worse when you consider the one Forsaken soul in Bastion is still somehow in Forsaken corpse form…
Exactly as a forsaken it’s like you’re trapped that way forever
The problem is that it’s focusing on the wrong elves; Sylvanas and Tyrande.
What we really need? Thalyssra and Lor’themar.
Technically all elves are trolls and this game is crawling with trolls
Elfs, but not Nelfs lore (except Illidan), makes a difference in good WoW lore, really together with orcs, we are the saviors of Azeorth.
This leak in particular I think is fake.
But I said the same about void elves, so.
Would be cool if they would redo their model a bit. They still use the old vanilla graphic and same boring bikini piece