The game is sad and stale right now. Anyone want a free 1800+?

Anytime I try to join epic battlegrounds (I know they don’t matter to many people) it’s just, you see whos loaded in (the usual suspects) and you know you wasted your lifeclock/time IRL even waiting for it to start. pre-made garbage is beyond lame. There will likely never be “the good old days” in battlegrounds anymore. Rated gameplay is where it really is at, and if there’s anyone out there that wants me to get you up to like 1850 or something let me know. I’ll use holy paladin, hunter, or rogue. I’ve shelved sub rogue for now because they’re not great in rated anymore without a really good 3v3 teammate or two, but can pull it out if necessary. I have gotten achievements on multiple characters and did pretty well recently, and enjoy helping people get their first achievements and decent ones.

With that being said, anyone want free rating with my hunter, or if you’re a DPS would you like to be healed up to 2k? I’m bored and about to unsub if this stale deadness keeps up lol. Please do not go to websites and pay them money. Just join me.


If there were more people like you and me on this forum - it would be a much better place.


Yet here… you are. Rated has been garbage the entire expansion. So has PvP in general. I applaud you for offering to help others however.

if its free then you are the product
or sth

I feel like you’d have to participate in rated PvP to have any actual insight in to whether its been garbage or not :woman_shrugging: I feel like PvP in general, outside of epics has been pretty enjoyable thus far.

Edit: And getting crates Horde side, that’s been pretty poop too. :frowning:


Have you hit 2300 yet? Seems you gave up on shuffle. Lame.



No I’m still climbing. Very well in fact. Idk what you’re talking about lol. This topic/thread is fully outside of that other post. Right now I’m doing a lot of paperwork for clients IRL and taking it easier than that one night. I just hit 1980 rating, and then stopped so I could fix my taxes to perfection and get my sons next school year prepped. That 2.3k is guaranteed just got a lot going on with clients and too much IRL stuff.

You’re not climbing though and you lost rating. You just talked a big game. Oh well, was fun while it lasted.

Uh no. I didn’t. I went to 1980 rating and you’re obviously blind. I have video and picture proof evidence. Anyways now that we’ve established you’re a lying piece of garbage, you’re dismissed now.

Armory is what it is my dude. You’re currently 1841. No shame in that. You did manage to improve your blitz win/loss ratio some, though it still is unfortunately below 50/50. I’m sure you’ll get there eventually.

Armory didn’t update. Nice try. Currently you don’t know wtf you’re talking about because I’m 1980 right now and you have holes in your brain. I’m reaching 2.3k easily as I always do on every account I’ve ever owned. Blitz is rigged coin-flip trash nobody cares about it.

You have doubled the amount of game played though, so you seem to care.

Well, your armory updates when you log out. Not sure what to say. :slight_smile:

It didn’t update, at all. I’m doing fine pretty much right at 2k and 2.3k is inevitable. I only played blitz to get some HKs towards the bloodthirsty title. You’re the one that cares and doesn’t like the fact that I’m better than you at PvP.

I only care so much as what you said you would do. :slight_smile:

Best of luck on your journey.

It’s not about luck. It’s about skill, and time. The time passes, and my skills get me there. I mean the only luck I can think of involved would be like, a chain of crits against me or in my favor. 2.3k is inevitable and not hard to obtain. In fact at this rate I should be duelist in a couple days with this brand new hunter.

Sure thing! Any day now I’m sure you’ll hit the goal you said you were going to hit a week ago.

Oh I think you forgot the part where I brought up all of the IRL stuff up above. Actually, it’s more like you ignored it and can’t relate because none of those things apply to your terminally online life. I’ll be hitting 2.3k while dealing with all of that.

Here. I’ll copy and paste it and remind you

Right now I’m doing a lot of paperwork for clients IRL and taking it easier than that one night. I just hit 1980 rating, and then stopped so I could fix my taxes to perfection and get my sons next school year prepped. That 2.3k is guaranteed just got a lot going on with clients and too much IRL stuff.

Oh? The rest of us don’t have lives? Jobs? Families? You seem to be pretty miserable if you ask me. Attacking others. Accusing people of cheating. Talking trash without any game to back it up.

Anywho, best of luck hitting 2300.

No. You don’t, and it’s very obvious. Also don’t use the word “us” or the phrase, “the rest of us”, when I’m talking directly to you alone. You started something that you can’t finish and now you’re trying to drag other people into it. I never said anything of the sort about the people above, and that’s just a low IQ tactic when you’re upset and can’t think of what to say next. You can sit down now, you’re dismissed. You’re not good at PvP, and I’ll be 2.3k soon, and you won’t. Hitting 2.3k isn’t about luck. It’s about skill, and it’s easy. I’m helping multiple people hit their milestones with alts also, like today I had 3 people that needed some help so I went in with them. End of story.

I have honestly gone back and forth on whether this is a troll or not. Still not sure, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. If you say you’re going to do something while attacking others and you fail todo it, you just look like a clown. As I said before, why only 2.3? You talk a lot, surely you can hit higher than that.

This all started because you wanted to accuse others of cheating rather than simply accepting that you aren’t good at the game. Instead of looking for help, you externalized you failures and placed the blame on others. Not a healthy way to approach the game or life for that matter.

Also, if you want to talk skill, why not play something that requires it? BM? Really? Best of luck.