The Future of WoW, how is blizzard going to focus on "social aspects"?

A “social initiative” will accomplish jack all given the fundamental nature of Retail WoW where you solo to level cap having never made a friend. The game has to be hard enough from the get go to force you to talk to other people to form groups and then guilds to continue levelling up and condition players to be talkative. So long as retail remains the way as it is, everyone will continue to be a passive loner who only uses PUGs for the latest content and goes into it with a mercenary mentality of treating everyone else as a replaceable or as an obstacle to getting their arbitrarily ilevel increase that will be powercrept by catchup gear introduced in the next patch anyway.


Classic has a much better social feel to it. Play it. I play every version of the game. I play so much that I got bored of the game and so I just post randomly on the forums because I legit can’t find much to do in game right now. Idk. Classic is kinda good for the nice community that you seem to be looking for.

And we thank you for doing your part in maintaining the status quo

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I mean, do we really want it to be a super social experience? I like some social aspects but don’t want things to be anything like classic either.

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I started my WoW journey on December 27th, 2005, I want to continue the story of this game but as of late I actually haven’t even been playing for a couple of months now after I achieved my end-game goals literally by day 3 of the season starting afterwards there was nothing else I sought after I’ve done my cutting-edge raiding, I’ve actually have been branching out and actually playing other games and started realizing for over 20 years I have been on a hamster wheel that eventually ran its course nothing truly excites me with WoW anymore, and classic I already played that out 3 times already I don’t want to be stuck in a certain timeline in the game’s lifespan that I already know everything that happens I already know whats going to happen and checking off boxes for BiS gear tht never changes. I only recently started this forum after seeing the news the blizzard recently announced on what their plans are for the future of this game, and I fear it has fallen on deaf ears, I don’t want the game to be exactly 100% like classic but I also don’t want the game how it currently is but at the same time I’m still invested into the story itself. and I can easily say this 1 magic word on what aspect of the game I focus on and I guarantee the whole community will give me the same regurgitated responses on why my opinion is inferior.


The best time to play retail is like the first month or two of a season. Most people pushing care enough to put in effort and you can meet likeminded people.

Classic attracts a large amount of people who want the guarantee they are going to complete content. Like no matter what you do, you can’t fail in classic, stack wbuffs, stack your raid, farm consumables, beat the game. Add in the general slower pace to the game and people care less about “having their time wasted” which enables a better environment for socialization. Ironically endgame is when the sweats take over, trying to optimize their dungeon runs so they can optimize their raid clears and be finished getting leet epics in sub 2 hours/week.

I think the last 1-3 months of a season in retail would actually be prime for socializing and making friends if blizz added a diablo difficulty toggle to leveling dungeons’/chromie time. Let me clear M+6 difficulty dungeons with a 5 man when I’m level 25, idc how long it takes I’m bored and one shotting things, talking to quest givers so they can tell me what to one shot is even more boring. And then I hit level cap, realize the pug pool at the end of the season is awful and I drop the character until the next season starts.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the endgame model in retail, classic players emulate it in practice and if you want to raid casually retail is very accepting. Its the process of getting to level cap that has been completely diluted in player interaction.

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Nothing is stopping anyone from socializing, just themselves


It’s a fair question, OP. But I think blizz is mostly talking about housing stuff.

Why? What about all the people who are just as happy playing on our own. If anything the move toward Follower Dungeons and Delves seems to indicate that they have no intention of driving solo players away.

That’s not the fundamental nature of it. It’s how some play. It’s certainly how I play. But some people do play with others. A lot of them actually.

But also, maybe the aspects that lead you to perceive that as the fundamental nature of retail are the very thing they want to focus on and change. That seems like a bold endeavour to me.

That is just it and why I started this post why are they announcing and dead set with their focus on social aspects when the current game already contradicts that very idea. you see how they share stories about their time in wow and adventures they went on back in the past, but you never hear about any stories or adventures people experienced within the last decade

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Blizzard craps all over guilds constantly (as do many players). The #1 thing Blizzard could do for social play is to stop sabotaging guilds 24/7.

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I think you are reading to much into that. WoW is a game with a huge tent that can accommodate lots of people doing lots of different things.


Hopefully it will involve large banwaves. They’ll never get anywhere trying to encourage people to socialize with randoms in this game while also having such insufferable players.

The insufferable players are encouraged by the anonymity of cross-server play and computer-assembled groups. Things weren’t nearly so bad back before such things were introduced, because bad pills were identified and blacklisted.

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I Honestly do not know what you mean by this, if you’re referring to how active I been on WoW forums I’m ngl man it was hard to even figure out how to create a post I barely just discovered how to even make a post after all these years… and only very recently been reading into the forums

The rest of us, to this day, still scratch our heads at why people who wanted to play alone are playing a multiplayer game.

There are MUCH better games to play, if you’re looking for single-player.


issues with bans are that there are some people that are so addicted to the game they don’t care if they get ban they just make another account and buy the expansions again and carry on their way

It’s almost like different people and taste exists.

Indeed. And for people who want to “play on our own” there any many games where they would be much happier doing that, instead of complaining about there being other people around in a multi-player game.