“Next time on “World of Warcraft: Friendship is Magic” - The Aspects combine mechanically to form the Go-tron Super Ultra Mega Alpha Aspect of Friendship to defeat big bad #3958. however, things do not go according to plan!. Big Bad #3958 somehow gains dark powers that do absolutely nothing of note!. After the aspects’ grueling training to learn how to do nothing themselves, and relying on adventurers to do their jobs for them, The Aspects claim victory without acknowledging or rewarding the adventurers for literally saving their hides. Thus everyone lived happily ever after when the aspects talked about their feelings too much and came to the jaw dropping conclusion that friendship is magic.”
Fr tho, that cinematic was absolute toddler level, power ranger/ my little pony trash. Whoever wrote that should be fired 

And how does that make you feel?
More like Friendship is meh-gic 
Is that bandwagon comfy? It seems comfy.
Crazy how every WoW player suddenly cares deeply about the story after bragging about skipping quest text for the last 20 years or pretending Shadowlands doesn’t exist.
When it makes the Jailers ending look god-tier by comparison, you can let me have this one.
fascinating. What was your relationship with the jailer like?
Well it was another typical “I wasnt really that bad. I was just trying to save you from the bigger bad!” Trope. And also the fact that they forever destroyed Arthas’ image and Anduin became even more of a coward. I think its safe to say that the writing team should have been scrapped a long time ago.
“Boy, I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.“
We all have abandonment issues… But it’s important to remember that arthas didnt leave us. He lives here:
in your arteries
I found DF’s conclusion cinematic guys:

This is just my personal opinion, but I was playing classic hardcore for several days and I realized that the story telling is a lot different than it is on retail.
There is a joy in the attention to detail and story telling in the old quests that seem to be missing from retail WoW. I didn’t think it mattered much as the game progressed, but I certainly see how important the story is now.