So, it’s still a few days until April 1st. Is this actually serious? There’s multiple blue responses which make me really concerned about this.
You already have that option, you can right-click off the world buffs before walking into the instance.
Just some constructive feedback:
It’s too expensive. People already pay 5g and 10g to be summoned here and there for the buffs. The cost of the one-time use item is 10g and seems quite steep.
Make them stack in multiples more than 5. Maybe 10 or 20 max.
Thank you but I feel as players would like the choice of having more challenging raids in vanilla. And if the option is built in vanilla it will make players happier since the raids will be tougher without these buffs. So essentially you give us the chance to have hard modes since back then alot of players never really used world buffs.
Many of the bosses would be far more challenging and it would make classic more enjoyable since heigan the unclean is being killed before his dance happens because of the buffs.
It would be a good idea to give an option where we can enable it before we enter the raid where we can only enter the raid without world buffs or the normal option where we can enter with it.
Right now gdkps are forcing us to use world buffs or we cant play.
You give more range of gameplay which means you please more people without changing the original game. You’ve just added a little addition to the game. Kind of like adding an online restoration. So the question is. Why not have both? Dont remove world buffs. But give an option to do the raid without them.
So i have a question with this. Will this allow players to be able to get buffs twice? Like, you get it once you save it with the item and then you get it again so you can have a second set of buffs Or the item will only allow 1 instance of buffs per toon? Cuz if not then players will raid log and will exploit this item. Thanks for the time
There is a zero % chance this is real. It’s obviously an April fool’s joke lmao.
It’s crazy to see the amount of replies and suggestions rofl
It is real, it’s on the PTR right now
100%. You pretty much summed uo why I left Stalaag for Heartseeker as soon as transfers opened up.
geeze man thats a complicated way to say you’re insecure
They literally answered this in the original post. If you have buffs bottled away, you can’t receive those same buffs again until they aren’t stored anymore.
You could always start your own GDKP, and not require them.
Great question Malicante! I would also love to know the answer to this one. Especially since, if you have to collect them all before you use it, then it doesn’t really entirely prevent the “logging off to save the buff” if you only get Rallying and have to wait a couple of hours before a heart is dropping, etc.
some testing:
-DMF save into the Supercharged Displacer
-You cannot reuse the Displacer to add new buff to your supercharged (you will have to use your supercharged, wait the cooldown and use the displacer)
-Timer continue while disconnected
-Supercharged Displacer is unique, can be store in your bank (you cannot have 1 in your bank and 1 on you)
-Sometime the 1 hour cooldown turn to 30min if you log out and log back in.
-You can have buffs saved into the supercharged and still have the same buffs applied to your character (and the effect works)
-If you use your supercharged to apply your buffs on your character while stacking on other player, you also share them your buffs.
Looking forward to see it live.
Hoping to see a server-option with World Buffs removed whenever it is time for Classic-fresh.
Wow Developer Pazoraz. I really really appreciate all of the hard work you and Blizzard are putting in the game. Can you show the other developers this?
With and without world buffs on patchwerk
You can see the difference
Because of world buffs heigan doesnt get to perform the dance. I think there should be an option to make raids more challenging by not allowing world buffs.
Someone who quit due to “must have” world buffs
i could name more than handle of guilds on my server that wouldnt of killed KT without access to WBs, heck most of them still require them to still be able to clear naxx even with all the naxx loot they already have
Look at how they’re addressing drums in TBC and tell me you think they’re smarter than this.
And what if you don’t know how to run your own? You quit the game like everyone in my guild
People quit due to “must have” world buffs
Making an option allows for the others who quit to return to the game which means more profit. More money because you lose less players and you dont touch the original game. So you have the original game + extra mode.
Love the intent but this solution falls short in my opinion. While snapshotting active world buffs into the chronoboon displacer may potentially allow a player to avoid raid logging, this implies the player can acquire all the desired buffs in one sitting and does NOT prevent the time spent logged out between world buff drops and summons. All too often in my experience I will collect Dire Maul buffs, hearth to SW and logout, wait for Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer, logout and wait for a summon to Booty Bay, wait for Spirit of Zandalar, logout and wait for a summon to Orgrimmar for Warchief’s Blessing… you get the idea.
What I suggest is you allow players to snapshot buffs individually or together. That way, I can collect my world buffs in whatever order I please, and safely store them for raid. Without this, I’m afraid raid logging will be alive and strong for many players who lack a “buff circuit” that takes them around the world quickly.
EDIT: I tested on the PTR and there is a way to snapshot buffs individually, although a bit clunky.
- Purchase multiple displacers from Chromie
- Acquire desired world buff(s) and use displacer #1
- Wait the 1 hour cooldown, online or offline works the same
- Acquire additional world buff(s)
- Activate Supercharged displacer, restoring previous buffs.
- Use displacer #2.