It’s a good idea this is implemented.
better late rather than never to add a solution to raidlogging because of buff timers I suppose. But this really would have been nice to have earlier on in classic.
People been making posts about it outside of this topic without any answer. We know he is in here now and we know he obviously reads the questions. He just chooses to ignore it.
Hostile and demanding. You won’t get what you want, sorry.
Make recommendations and speak objectively rather than emotionally.
how is flask/food/pots a wbuff?
This is dope. Thanks
I think the world buff meta is dumb and I dislike it. But raid leads with too little faith are still going to force it regardless of whether or not they are needed (They aren’t), so implementing a way for players to snapshot buffs as an additional step of raid prep so that they can do other things with their is a big win in my opinion.
I see it as little different than farming out flasks/food, and I think its a nice change.
I’m assuming you’re being sincere.
Pazorax is a software engineer. Those kinds of decisions you’re talking about wouldn’t be made by them anyways. Your question is not only off topic, but it is directed at the wrong person too. If the project leads for BC Classic were considering a cash store it does not necessarily imply Pazorax would be involved in those conversations in the first place.
It’s called a comparison. Retail doesn’t have world buffs but the consumables are a very big deal for wringing out that little extra DPS. World buffs are no different, they do decrease the overall time of the raid (assuming everyone plays to their skill level and doesn’t wipe the raid).
One could never use a consume and never get a world buff and join a guild that is still 10/15 progressing on Thadd, but if you want to make that jump up you have to play by the rules of the Raid Leaders offering spots, and those Raid Leaders have decided to use world buffs. So by that very nature they become mandatory to move up from casual guilds into more competent guilds.
Pazorax, my question is will there be a tbc store. I and many others would like any sort of response even if there is not a definite answer yet. What are you thoughts at least??
i’m gonna take the ban for saying this but w/e.
seek help dude, you have a serious mental issues if you’re gonna spam something off topic like this. this is about world buffs, not anything for TBC. go to the TBC forums.
Love this!
A very welcome change, thanks Blizzard!
I think it would be better if instead we activate the displacer and the buffs get dropped straight into that and we can re-activate the displacer to get all the buffs with their full duration. Like a dream catcher - but for world buffs. It’s a bloody nightmare on high pop servers where you can waste half an hour of buffs on just waiting for server lag after the quest has been turned in for rend and dragonslayer. This would also make it much easier to collect the buffs on realms that don’t have as much population after BC Classic launches.
Just add a world buff npc 5head
I agree with this too, something like if the displacer is in your inventory, the buffs get placed directly into it, or maybe you can toggle it to have a choice between getting the buff or capturing it. No matter what I think this is a great change but sad it did not come sooner in Classic.
Why are people acting like this is a bad thing? All this does is give people the freedom to play their mains during the week instead of forcing people to stay logged off for the entire week.
If you really want the current world buff meta, keep doing what you’re doing now. Nothing stopping you. This is just a convenience thing for people who want to play their characters.
No, just Feralas, Yojamba Isle, Stormwind and Felwood 6 days a week (oh and don’t forget Mulgore for a week once every 2 months).
It’s a bad thing in the sense this an rpg. These are the kind of changes that progress and buried retail. Also PvP servers.
Couple questions:
- Can the item be used while in combat?
- Does the cooldown on the Chronoboon Displacer count down while offline?
- In relation to the above question, can you release stored buffs, get a new buff, then log out for 1 hour to count down the timer on another Chronoboon Displacer, get another world buff, and store them all again?
- Will this item store Warchief’s Blessing for Alliance players?