The Fundamental Flaws with the "Balanced Servers" Argument

When we say fair, we don’t mean that every fight is going to be a 1v1 gentleman’s duel… we’re not looking for Rated 3v3 Arenas out in the Burning Steppes…

We want the ability to form a pvp group that can contend with the majority faction. On many servers it’s simply not possible because it is so one-sided…

My server is probably one of the most balanced comparatively (ie: i can actually play the game, as long as I stay far away from BRM), but it is by no means an even fight.

The argument that we should have foreseen this isn’t even valid either. My server was initially extremely balanced (hint: I actually did check when rolling on this server), it only became imbalanced after all the server transfers

It won’t matter in a few days anyways… all the idiots rolling in 20-man squads won’t be able to compete when BGs come out. The people who are saying “better reroll PvE” will be on the forums complaining about getting stomped by premades all day…

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Dude seriously what planet are you on. You think a server out there magically ended up at 99:1 balance?

Also I saw 10 alliance there at midnight on what might have been a Tuesday night. Where are the other 990 horde? You think it’s more likely a server magically had 99x more people choose horde over alliance than it is that it’s an underpopulated server and 20 horde decided to come to an alliance city to PvP/troll/have fun?

Literally take that space ship you got here on and fly back to wherever it is you came from

Edit: damnit don’t reply to me you level 120 retail account saying servers are 99:1. Don’t reply to me.

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Oh, I am so so sorry. I was incorrect! It’s not 99:1. It’s 94:6!

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Says the lvl 14 RETAIL toon. Lol. Shut up and hide in a hole.


Wasn’t even talking to this guy and he’s telling me to shut up and hide in a hole.

This other dude believing what some random guy scribbled down on a website and 300 brain deads upvoted and coming in like 'Ahah! Look at this!"

Ya’ll ain’t normal lol. Ain’t normal one bit.

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This is the most nonsensical reply I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying a lot on these forums. Again, the developers never intended for world PvP to be “fair.” They’ve said as much. You really think Blizzard doesn’t know there are roaming gank squads killing people on PvP servers?! That’s the entire point of a PvP server. You do know what PvP stands for, right?

There you go again, trying to get your readers to believe that people are upset that they had fight another player on a pvp server and ignoring the actual problem altogether. Also if my post was “nonsensical” to you, then I offer you my sympathies. The world must be very difficult for you to navigate.


No, you’re just terrible at trying to make a point, which you’ve again demonstrated here.

That isn’t the point.

It’s their game. It’s their fault.

The real question is… do they care? I don’t think they care much.

You think that server transfers should open and close… instantly? O.o

I think we can all agree that the process should be announced openly.

Some people WANT to be on a PvP server, but don’t want to have entire zones become basically inaccessible because their faction has no chance to hold anything.

Should clear up somewhat after tuesday, though.


People like you keep saying “That’s not the point” but you never actually say what the point is. You don’t like the fact that other players can dominate you or control zones on a PvP server? Guess what? It was like that in vanilla. When I played Alliance, we could control Tarren Mill with 5 level 60s. Anybody who landed was instantly killed, the flight master was killed. I made campfires in the middle of the town. That’s how it is on a PvP server. What you’re saying is people want to PvP when it’s convenient for them - that’s what you get on a PvE server. Hence the suggestion to reroll on a PvE server.


It’s in the comment above yours.

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Did u withdraw ur post cause I withdrew mine? I’ll put it back if u want

How would you start that conversation?

Someone needs a nap.

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Actually… no it wasn’t. The fatal flaw here is Blizzard’s decision to use modern hardware to dramatically increase the server population caps. Whatever problems were present in vanilla are amplified to their extremes in Classic.

Better hope that’s wrong since if they get stomped in BGs all day, they’ll have no choice but to go back to ganking flight paths.

did you not watch the video where there are more horde in IF then alliance? obviously pvp isn’t fair no one is asking for fair pvp, were asking for 90/10 severs to be fixed, how daft are you.

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Well done, OP. Yes, “magical thinking” comes to mind.

Damn whoever this guy is talking to just got BOOM ROASTED

Uninstall your internet for a little bit kiddo and think about what you’ve just been schooled about

And as there is no way to fix them without causing actual issues (PvP happening on a PvP server is not an issue) what is your stupid suggestion to ‘fix’ the non-issue ?

Faction queues hurt way more than they help.
Faction locked transfers don’t work as why would they transfer to be on the lesser side ?