The fun of Real Mob Health

As everyone must have noticed, Classic doesn’t show mob health, only percentage. Fortunately for those of us who crave information, someone devised an addon that shows mob health. I honestly love this addon more than having the HP there by default.

For those who haven’t used Real Mob Health, the way it works is it stores data for mobs you’ve killed, recording their HP by how much damage it takes to kill them. You can’t know how much health a mob has until you kill it.

Every time I come across a mob that says it’s missing health data, I feel like I have to kill it just to get that data recorded, like I’m filling out some kind of guide book on the creatures I encounter. This addon actually adds a lot to the game for me. I’ll go out of my way to fight grey mobs that I have no reason to even look twice at just so I can record its health. It feels so much in the spirit of Classic in the way it encourages exploration and being a part of this large, amazing world. I honestly wish Retail worked similarly with a book of information on mobs that I fill out by fighting them.

I’m sure I’m not the only player who feels this way.

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Gotta smash 'em all.

I definitely don’t agree that this has anything much to do with the distinction between retail and classic. There is plenty to chase down in retail.

That said, systems like this do generally catch my attention. I particularly like No Man’s Sky’s version.

Ooh, and Elite Dangerous.

Yea that was one of the things I liked about Black Desert - the more of a mob you kill, the more you learn about them and they become easier to kill… I think theres 3 levels of knowledge per mob, for every mob in the game… and you get better loot and stuff… it was a good idea I haven’t seen elsewhere…

I am 100% behind people who are loving Classic to share what they’re loving and all their best practices.

For me, the biggest and best decision I have made so far is very modest addon usage and ZERO quest or gathering or map help. I really enjoy the medieval feel of pre-GPS hand drawn maps made by the Explorer’s Society or someone’s brave relative. Having to read the description, orient myself, plot my routes, wander around and explore… that’s the key to good solid immersion to me.

“Hey, can you help the village and go kill those bad things?”

“Sure, where are they?”

“Over there, in the forest by the river. Big ones. Watch yourself.”

“Right. Anything more specific? Like where to find them?”

“I don’t want to find them! That’s why I need you!”

I kinda imagine this is how a typical Farmer : Hero conversation would go IRL so vague quests and getting lost has become a big part of the games’ value to me. Still get frustrated, still occasionally check wowhead, but the majority of the time it’s hella positive.

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