I’m sick of yer lies!!!
Is your pet just named Wolf? I do that too. I am the proud owner of Wolf, Cat, Bear, etc
Time to riot, BYOPF ( bring your own pitch fork)
i will make another thread to name em if you want rita.
I remember the good old days where if you joined an angry mob, they had torches and pitchforks to go around.
Says 1 copper.
but it ain’t free
T-shirt cannon ones are free!
(I’m sad I’m missing it.)
i’ll go get you some shirts if you want
I assumed they were BoP?
Who would even want to wear a shirt
the t-shirt cannon ones are not.
the vendors are sadly.
Oof I forgot about the free T-shirts
Boo. The vendor ones are what I don’t have. Oh well. Thank you anyway!
Arent the vendor ones available year round in booty bay?
not sure, but i’d have to check later while im on a shirt hunt.
They are cause I have them all and Ive never participated in this event before. But in Booty Bay they’re like 1000 gold each.
thats alot for a shirt…
Better than running out to Talador, I dare say.
tbf, i get to visit khadgar.