The four horsemen of the nerfpocalypse

They can nerf shadow its okay, after Uldir they gutted them as well.

Spriests aren’t getting nerfed, just tuned. They wouldn’t put all that work into making them good and fun again, just to nerf them to death week 3.

This mentality is why classes are missing half the tools they had 5 expansions ago. Stop asking for nerfs to classes that are powerful and fulfill their role and fantasy well, we want that for our specs don’t we?

We need to be asking for buffs to the classes that do not feel powerful or useful in as many situations as the classes you mentioned.

please go away.


The thing is, balancing is a very delicate dance. Certain specs, just a minor tweak will Reign chaos down.

Once (well actually if) gear becomes more available, weaker classes+specs should show their true colors. If they don’t shine as they should, fine bring them up, but careful, as you can bring up the wrong one and we back to this song and dance again.

balance druids? you mean the class whose major passive, allowing lunar strike to cast in less than 8 hours, doesn’t work 90% of the time? since when does that need a nerf?

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Do classes need a nerf or do classes need a buff?

Bringing up an underperforming spec by too much is much much better for the game than burning all the classes that are designed well and powerful to the ground.

you nerf these three specs and then the next best spec will be the best and everyone wants that nerfed and eventually every spec is boring and unimpactful except for the few that weren’t cried about until the end of the expansion.

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I am all down for the return of TBC sl/sl locks and MoP Destro to reign upon us again. No backsies.

You must be new here.


Your quote fail hurt my eyes.

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I’m waiting for the Buffpocalypse.

All mage specs.

Especially frost.

MM hunter isn’t that bad to be honest, they can pump great dps but they aren’t very durable.

Look how quickly hunter’s were nerfed. I could be wrong but I think we are in a different era, if a spec is just busted in half like MoP Destro they are quick to take action. I’m talking about how tuning should lean way more on the side of buffs than nerfs at this point. If we get back to the MoP days for some specs obviously I might be on here asking for a nerf or two. But specs are so far from what they were in MoP I’m not worried.

MoP was the Affliction era.

So what? Who cares?

Call the mayor! They are trying to make the game more balanced! Let’s all quit!

Rather than nerf the top classes lets get the rest up to par. Would be better in the long run.

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How about mages? Still retarded OP

Only one really slated for a pve nerf is UH single target imo.

Balance is being propped up by 2 fights they excel at (spread aoe)
Shadow is mostly the same (target cleave)
And subs not even that high

Pvp though, no clue.

mages are mid tier at best in pve.

For once it’s not warriors getting the immediate nerf hammer.