The forum shenanigans have begun!

Here we go! The game is now down and the forum shenanigans have begun! It’s going to be a long day so strap in!


Inb4 outrage over maintenance occurring at the same day and time as it has occurred for 20 years.


i dont think people will be outraged by scheduled maintenance, moreso the 8 hour part.

and no. 8 hours an outlier. we only ever got 8 hours on version patches like 10.0 to 10.1, not “small” inbetween ones.

They are already attacking each other in other threads.

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boots up ff14

watches Bun girl wake up in the inn

happy chemicals ensue


Game is down and I should sleep. My mind is on the vault though :weary:.

I swear void blade or rasha cape and I’ll be estatic.

It’s alright. We’ll be safe in this thread.

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We all float in here Myzrym.

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We shall see…

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I don’t think the forum shenanigans ever stop.

You children know nothing. In my day we had to walk up hill in the snow both ways to post on the forum and read the responses to our forum posts during outages!


So since this seems like a semi safe space for potentially uninformed questions… will we be getting transmogs for quest items/rewards we didn’t choose retroactively for quests completed in the past? … or did I dream that? …

Plus the game was all black-and-white. No colors at all.


And we played it on 15" screens at 800x600 and were grateful for it


Even when I am older and more greyerer, I will always look back fondly at the tears I shed…laughing at people being enraged over maintenance.

…we have people who had their entire guild banks cleared out.
People are STILL having their crafting gear on when they log on. Been over a year of that bug that happens almost 100% of the time to the people it does happen to. Reported it several times and I know, judging by how many times I hear about it in-game, that I am far far far from the only one who is having the problem.

People getting disconnected while on the Sky Golem mount, but only when they take off from water or near certain mining nodes or rocks and in a patter that seems to be indiscernible.

For crissakes, there is still a bug that lets you fall through the map in several zones that they just flat out don’t patch out.

If you think maintenance is bad, wait until you get in the game and see all the problems for 20 years. yeesh, I couldn’t imagine that…

To late people already started an hour before shutdown.

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And we had 12 nobs just to adjust the picture

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Threads are starting to disappear.

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So hi to the bestie Wuk Lamat when you get a chance!

They already sanitized the forums over the last few days removing the really inflamatory posts. Almost like they knew this would happen.