The forsaken need to return to lordaeron

Lordaeron is a craphole nobody wants. Not even the Lordaeronians.

You don’t speak for the majority.

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I speak for the trees.

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Every race deserves a capital city of some note. Blizz is perfectly capable of it. I feel bad for the gnomes and worgen, and the void elf home could use some love too. I am sure it is the same on the Horde.


Suramar’s bigger place should be made accessable. Also the Vulpera needs something bigger then just the Hideaway. Thunder Totem and Silvermoon are fine.

Starting to lean toward flying necropolis. An upgrade to our sewer.

Lordaeron belongs to the Lordaeronians. Not to Stormwind.

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You do that bud.

I speak for the trees. And the land. And you’re a heretic.

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Don’t lie. I talked to a tree just yesterday. He told me he wanted to be part of a boat.

Calia will prevent that. You have the jailer, the Nathrezim, Sylvanas or whatever blightcaller is to become the new evolution of the forsaken.

Your faction is about to evolve into something that doesn’t require blight to sustain itself. No Apothecary Society either.

You will br able to assault people’s souls like Sylvanas did to Saurfang.

Remember: Patience. Discipline…

The undead should get Naxx.

More cities the better IMO.

Clean the blight out of UC so the Forsaken can move back in.

Regrow Teldrassil. What? Too Hard you say? Bullox. If Fandral Staghelm can grow a tree like that in just a few years to try and reclaim night elf immortality imagine what ultra-druid Malfurion could make.

Make Suramar an active Horde city and Black Rock depths an active Alliance city.

More cities!

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Not clear. And Calia so far is not a character that moves the story. She just reacts. So, the question is not about Calia. It is about how the devs see the forsaken: can they remain a single group or not.

Nah. Not hard, but it’s an opportunity for something new. So, why not try something new?

And Stratholme - an an active horde city. IMO.

gl hf